Miss. House expected to vote on new congressional districts Thursday, Dems to challenge

The Mississippi House of Representatives is expected to vote on and pass a bill Thursday redrawing the state's four congressional districts, top lawmakers in both parties said.

The bill passed the House Rules Committee without issue Wednesday afternoon, and Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, R-Clinton, said it would reach the floor Thursday morning. Gunn said he has the votes to approve the bill as written. Once through the house, it's expected to easily pass the senate as well.

House Democrats are planning to offer an amendment to the bill, but are aware it will most likely fail, House Minority Leader Robert Johnson, D-Natchez, said.

Democrats are taking issue with how Mississippi's Second Congressional District will be drawn. The district, held by Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Bolton, is set to expand greatly in territory.

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Background: Redistricting committee finalizes Mississippi congressional map proposal, expanding 2nd District

The bill would add Adams, Franklin, Wilkinson and Amite counties in the southwest corner of the state to the Second District. Running the entire western half of the state, Thompson's district would encompass roughly 40% of the state's landmass, but only a fourth of the population.

Joint Congressional Redistricting and Legislative Reapportionment Committees chairman Rep. Jim Beckett, R-Bruce, stands before a poster of the "Magnolia 1" proposed congressional plan, and explains the process involved in determining the congressional boundaries following the meeting at the Capitol, during which the committees approved its final proposal for Congressional redistricting, Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021, in Jackson, Miss.

Democrats, including Johnson and Thompson, are in favor of a version of the Second District the NAACP drew. Instead of adding the four southwestern counties, the district would gain all of Hinds County and part of Madison.

Both versions would preserve Thompson's Democratic majority.

Of Mississippi's four districts, only Thompson's needed significant redrawing. Drastic population loss in the Delta – about 70,000 people have left the region in the last decade – meant he needed more territory to preserve his seat.

Johnson said part of the reason Democrats are offering an amendment they know will fail is to establish their opposition on the record, should the final maps be challenged in court.

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"There have been very few times these plans haven't ended up in court," he said. "So to that end, it's important to make a record of where we stand."

In December, 10 Mississippi civil and voting rights organizations accused lawmakers of violating the state's open meeting laws during the congressional redistricting process. That complaint was referred to the state ethics commission.

Lee O. Sanderlin is an investigative and political reporter covering the state of Mississippi. Got a story tip? You can call him at 601-559-3857, send it to LSanderlin@gannett.com or message him on Twitter @LeeOSanderlin.

This article originally appeared on Mississippi Clarion Ledger: Mississippi House to vote Thursday on new congressional districts