Mississippi Is Closing All Of Its Beach Because Of A Toxic Algae Bloom


From Delish

  • The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has closed all 21 of the states’s beaches due to a toxic algae bloom.

  • Cyanobacteria are colonies of algae that grow out of control and produce toxic or harmful effects on people, ocean life, and birds that come into contact with it.

  • An expert explains how this bacteria can be harmful and what to do if you come in contact with it.

Beach goers in Mississippi were out of luck over Fourth of July weekend after officials closed all state beaches due to a toxic bacteria in the water.

The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) started closing beaches in the state in June, and closed the last two beaches that had stayed open on Sunday—meaning all 21 of the states’s beaches have been shut down along the Gulf Coast. The reason: Cyanobacteria, which is often referred to as blue-green algae blooms.

Cyanobacteria can make people seriously ill. Here’s what you need to know about it.

What is an algae bloom, exactly?

Cyanobacteria are colonies of algae that grow out of control. When they do this, they produce toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds that come into contact with it, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Blue-green algae blooms are the most common type of algae bloom. They tend to smell musty and can look like paint on top of the water, the NOAA says.

“Cyanobacteria are really interesting from a scientific perspective,” says Jamie Alan, PhD, an assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University. “These bacteria actually get their energy from photosynthesis. Some of these bacteria are completely harmless, and in fact spirulina, which is part of this family, is commonly sold as a food additive with health benefits.”

Why do these algae blooms happen?

It can be due to a few different things, the NOAA says. One is “overfeeding,” which is what happens when nutrients (mainly phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon) from sources like lawns and farmlands flow downriver to the sea and build up at a rate that “overfeeds” the algae that normally exist in the environment. They grow out of control from there. Another is the aftermath of natural phenomena like sluggish water circulation, unusually high water temperatures, hurricanes, floods, and drought.

How can Cyanobacteria be harmful?

It stinks to have to stay away from the ocean when it’s prime beach season, but it’s important in this case. The problem with some of these bacteria is that they produce a variety of toxins (collectively referred to as cyanotoxins) which target several cells in your body, including your neurons and liver, Alan says.

“Different strains of cyanobacteria can cause different effects in humans,” she says. “Exposure to cyanobacteria can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, headache, and muscle and joint pain. These bacteria can also cause blisters around and in the mouth and nose. More serious consequences include liver and kidney damage.”

Exposure to cyanobacteria has even been linked to an increase in cases of Lou Gehrig’s disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS) a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. “One study found that patients in New Hampshire exposed to cyanobacteria had a 25-times greater risk of developing ALS compared to the expected rate,” Alan says.

What should you do if you come into contact with an algae bloom?

If you happen to come across Cyanobacteria or any other harmful algae bloom, it’s important to get out of the water ASAP and wash your body well with soap and water.

Aside from that, there isn’t any specific treatment other than supportive case, like making sure you get plenty of fluids if you have diarrhea, Alan says.

Overall, you shouldn’t panic about algae blooms, but you should definitely follow public health warnings and avoid coming into contact with waters that contain it.

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