Moderna booster dosage concerns prompted cancellation of Virginia Beach employee-only vaccine clinics, spokesperson says

Coronavirus vaccination clinics for Virginia Beach city employees were canceled through the rest of the year due to concerns over “improper dosage” of the Moderna booster vaccine provided, according to a city spokesperson.

Tiffany Russell said the concerns are under review by the city auditor’s office. She did not provide details, citing medical privacy concerns.

The Moderna booster contains half the vaccine dose that people get for their initial two shots, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, the CDC recommends that moderately and severely immunocompromised people get an additional dose — which is different from the booster.

The employee-only clinics were scheduled to be at the Parks and Recreation administration building and EMS Headquarters.

Employees can report concerns to the city auditor if they believe their Moderna booster dosage was improper, city officials wrote employees in an internal message.

Community-wide clinics run by the health department are unaffected by the cancellation.

Ali Sullivan, 757-677-1974,