Mom intricately braids her daughter's hair every single day


One mom has made braiding into an art form and her daughter Grace's hair into her canvas.

Most mornings before school, Shelley Gifford takes about 20 minutes to braid Grace's hair into incredibly intricate patterns. Her mother-daughter bonding time also manages to fulfill her love of braiding.

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"I braid Grace’s hair most days and take the photo of the style in the morning before Grace leaves for school," Gifford told Mashable in an email. "Grace is fantastic, I’ve been styling her hair since she was a toddler so she doesn’t know any different."

With such detailed braids, Grace has become known among classmates and strangers alike for her unique hairstyles.

"Grace's hair is certainly noticed by a lot of people at school, dance and her other activities, their feedback is fantastic," Gifford told us. "People are forever stopping us in the street. We have had people approach Grace in the street saying I know that girl, based solely on her having an unusual braid in her hair. I guess we never imagined it would be such a hit and such an interest to others."

Braiding has become a passion for Gifford and she says anyone could do it if they work hard at getting the basics down.

"Start with learning the basic French and Dutch braids and practice, practice," she said. "When you have this braid right, you will find most other styles are just an extension of these."

Here's hoping we could all have hair as cool as Grace's after a little practice.