How Momma Got Her Style Back. 10 real world tips for finding your mom style

An article about developing and maintaining a good “mom style” might as well be an article on how to raise unicorns. The likelihood seems similar. If most of the pieces IN your closet have been deemed OUT by some Instagram influencer, or you have lost yourself to leggings and oversized sweatshirts, maybe it's time to find that unicorn.

Mom Style
Mom Style

Well, wait. First, it must be said that if you love yourself in leggings or your “out” clothes are working for you, keep doing you. No article on the internet or Instagram influencer should change what's giving you confidence and making you comfortable.

If you need some ideas for a what to put – or keep – in your closet, a capsule wardrobe of key pieces might be just what you’re looking for.

“When I was a new mom, the biggest thing for me was figuring out how I could look put together while still having a very functional and comfortable outfit,” Ashley Brister, owner and stylist at Style Envy, said. “Everything you do when your kids are young revolves around them. It is really easy to lose a little bit of yourself along the way, but you are the best mom when you are good to yourself too.”

So without further ado, here are Brister’s tips on how to raise a unicorn (or find your mom style):

1. Dress the body you have at the current moment. Instead of focusing on the size of the clothing, Brister suggests focusing on how clothes feel and how they look in the mirror.

“Don’t wait until you lose that 10 pounds or until your kids are in kindergarten to have clothes that make you confident. Do it now.”

2. Look at what’s on your calendar and choose your outfit the night before. “It is so much easier than trying to find something to wear while the kids are awake and wanting things from you,” Brister said.

3. Don’t wallow in maternity clothes and stretchy pants.

“The more you focus on getting dressed in an outfit, whether it be a pair of good jeans and a cute top or a dress, the better you will feel.”

4. Choose elevated yoga pants if you really want to live in them. Brister suggests looking for ones that have something extra – maybe a flare to them or a slit at the ankle.

“Instead of black, go for a great chocolate brown or olive green and pair it with a cute hoodie in a neutral color,” Brister said. “With Old Navy, Target, Lou & Grey at LOFT or DSG at Dick’s Sporting Goods, there are a lot of opportunities to dress in athleisure without spending a ton or resorting to your typical black leggings that end up looking like pajamas.”

5. Ignore every Instagram influencer who doesn’t look like you and every trend that doesn’t fit your body style.

“Just because it is a trend or style, doesn’t mean you have to wear it,” Brister said.

6. Focus on key pieces.

“You need two to three pairs of great fitting jeans in different washes and cuts and a great pair of black pants,” Brister said. “Buy the best you can afford in these. Tops are where you can save a bit and follow the trends at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc.”

Brister also suggests investing in a nice coat. “You can hide a multitude of sins behind a great coat. And a good dress is a great way to fake confidence until you have confidence.”

7. Accessories are the easiest way to update your wardrobe.

“No matter what size you are, your earrings will always fit,” Brister joked. “Find yourself nice gold hoops, a good pair of boots and a great bag.”

8. Don’t forget to update your undergarments.

“Go get fitted for a good bra. I always suggest Dillard’s for fittings. It will make a world of difference in the way your clothes fit.”

Brister also said “shapewear can be your best friend if you need a confidence boost.” She likes ASSETS by SPANX at Target as a budget-friendly option.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

“If you see someone wearing something you love, ask about it,” Brister said. “And if you are lost, don’t be afraid to contact a stylist. We can be more affordable than you might think.”

10. Give yourself a ton of grace.

“My best advice is to focus on what your body did to give you this beautiful child rather than what it is or isn’t doing now. Whether you are a new mom or a mom with young children, it is easy to get lost in the minutiae. Take a little time to give yourself a confidence boost because you deserve it.”

Learn more about Brister’s styling services at

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: How Momma Got Her Style Back. 10 real world tips for finding your mom style