Monday is President’s Day; schools closed. How about Fort Worth grocery, liquor stores?

President’s Day on Monday is a holiday for many, but what North Texas businesses will close?

The origin of President’s Day as a federal holiday traces back to 1800, a year after George Washington died. As a remembrance to the nation’s first president, his Feb. 22 birthday was celebrated as a unofficial holiday for most of the 1800s, according to

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In the late 1870s, Washington’s birthday was signed into law as a federal holiday. By the 1960s, congressional lawmakers wanted to change the holiday to include both Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, which is on Feb. 12.

Finally in 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act (now known as President’s Day) went into effect marking the third Monday in February a federal holiday. Here’s what we know about who’s open and closed on Monday:

Are schools open on President’s Day?

Nope, Fort Worth ISD will close on Monday for students.

Is garbage collection in Fort Worth affected by President’s Day?

Nope, garbage and recycling collection will remain unchanged for Fort Worth residents on Monday.

Are banks and the post office open on President’s Day?

Since its a federal holiday, both the post office and a majority of banks will close Monday.

Both FedEx and UPS will operate on Monday.

Are grocery and liquor stores open on President’s Day?

Yes, most grocers will remain open at normal hours on Monday. The same can be said for liquor stores.

Liquor stores are only legally required to close for certain holiday such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Liquor stores are also required to close on Sundays, per Texas law.