Money trail for Dozier mailer at center of election complaints leads to local publisher, PACs

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Funding for a PAC that sent out a mailer at the center of an elections complaint in the Tallahassee mayor’s race came from two sources, a political committee and the publisher of a left-leaning media site in town, Bob Lotane.

And the operator of the “Saving Our City” political committee who sent the mailers is downplaying the severity expressed in a press conference by Mayor John Dailey last week.

In front of the Florida Elections Commission offices shortly after filing complaints against one of his opponents, Kristin Dozier, Dailey labeled the mailers part of her coordinated “dark money” campaign by a political committee not registered with the state Division of Elections.

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Back story:

Dailey’s complaints allege neither Dozier nor the PAC list any expenditures to account for the mailers and because the organization listed in their disclaimer doesn’t exist, it’s misleading to voters.

“Saving Our City” Chairman Robert McKinnon said a mismatched name on the mailer sent during the third week of July, was a scrivener’s error on behalf of the printer.

Additionally, although the PAC listed its first contributions on Friday, McKinnon said the printer of the mailers hadn’t provided an invoice.

Financial disclosures filed Friday by “Saving Our City” list the two contributions, one from Lotane for $5,000 and another $6,300 by the “Democrats Insisting on Common Sense,” but no expenditures.

Lotane, whose website Our Tallahassee is a fierce advocate for progressive candidates – specifically those politically aligned with Tallahassee Commissioners Jack Porter and Jeremy Matlow – said it “might be a bit of a stretch” to say he helped pay for the mailers.

Their Tallahassee:

Robert Lotane, City Commission Seat 5 candidate speaks at the editorial board meeting held on September 25, 2018.
Robert Lotane, City Commission Seat 5 candidate speaks at the editorial board meeting held on September 25, 2018.

“I donated to the PAC, but what they spend it on, I have no control over that,” he said. He noted being a Dozier supporter financially; he and family members have donated to her and several other campaigns.

Lotane lost to City Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox in 2018 and is supporting – and is featured prominently in a mailer – of one of her opponents, Adner Marcelin.

He said if you look at the last two elections, in which Matlow and Porter were elected without large funding hauls from “the usual big givers,” this election will be telling.

It “will show if that’s going to be an ongoing trend or if the people who lost some power in those races are going to get it to back,” he said, adding his support for Marcelin wasn't an attempt at electoral vengeance.

“I’m lucky to have the resources to support candidates who I think are good for the city.”

The money trail behind Saving Our City

The origins of the political committee at the center of Dailey’s complaint are a bit more complicated than a simple naming mix-up.

When “Saving Our City” first tried to register in mid-July, it wanted the name “Save Our City,” said Mark Ard with the Florida Division of Elections.

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Leon County Commissioner Kristin Dozier speaks at the Collins Building in Innovation Park where it was announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce is awarding a $10.2 million grant to the Leon County Research and Development Authority which will help fund a new 40,000 square-foot, high-tech business incubator Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020.
Leon County Commissioner Kristin Dozier speaks at the Collins Building in Innovation Park where it was announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce is awarding a $10.2 million grant to the Leon County Research and Development Authority which will help fund a new 40,000 square-foot, high-tech business incubator Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020.

He said DOE officials informed the organization it would need to choose another name since “Save Our City” was a defunct political action committee registered in Escambia County.

Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford said the committee was formed during a local ballot initiative and has been disbanded since 2006.

Outside of Lotane, Saving Our City’s funding is circuitous, coming from a line of political committees and other sources.

“Democrats Insisting on Common Sense” is entirely funded in the 2022 election cycle by political committees and a South Florida real estate company. It doesn’t list any expenditures to "Saving Our City" in campaign finance reports.

Its two largest contributions come from Seaway Condo Acquisition in Fort Lauderdale and the political committee “Down Ballot Democrats,” which is funded by a committee run by Tallahassee elections attorney Natalie Kato.

The largest contributions to that group, “Fight Back Florida,” in 2022 come from a variety of businesses, lobbying and government affairs firms, progressive political groups, political consultants and political action committees.

Contact Karl Etters at or @KarlEtters on Twitter.

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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: The money trail behind Dozier mailer in Tallahassee Mayor's race