Monroe police equipped with new technology

MONROE – Police have more tools in their arsenal to help in the fight against crime.

This summer, 26 patrol cruisers were installed with in-car camera systems and automated license plate readers. This high-speed, computer-controlled technology automatically captures license plate numbers, and reviews them in real-time with state and regional databases, township officials said in a press release.

The police department also purchased 10 stationary cameras, which will be placed at different locations around the township to read license plates and inform the police of stolen cars, active warrants, and missing persons as they enter town or circulate within.

The department also has 72 body-worn cameras and associated equipment, as well as 72 non-lethal tasers with associated equipment, training tools and equipment.

Police Chief Michael J. Biennas said the newly installed equipment is designed to enhance his officers’ ability to apprehend criminals, prevent crime, provide corroborating evidence and ensure transparency.

“It also saves valuable time in processing vital police operations and allows for seamless communications with state and county authorities with whom we frequently collaborate,” the chief said.

Under the 10-year program, in-car cameras and tasers will be replaced every five years for a total of 78 cameras and 216 tasers over the life of the agreement. Body-worn cameras and charging docks also will be replaced every 2 ½ years for a total of 360 cameras and 45 docks.

Biennas emphasized the need to plan for and replace vital equipment on a routine basis.

“When it comes to the safety of our residents, we cannot rely on equipment that is past its prime,” the chief said. “The 10-year program is forward thinking, anticipates the changing dynamics of police operations and provides necessary equipment updates.”


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This article originally appeared on Monroe NJ police equipped with new technology