This Month's Full Moon Could Lead To Hurt Feelings

This Month's Full Moon Could Lead To Hurt Feelings

Prepare to guard your heart. Last month’s full moon urged us to seize the moment and embrace our true desires. This month, such boundless freedom can still be found in our minds, but less so in our relationships with others. Where the August full moon took place in independent Aquarius, September’s full moon, also known as the Harvest Moon, will reach its peak at 12:33 a.m. EDT on the 14th in the sensitive sign of Pisces.

As a water sign ruled by dreamy Neptune, Pisces is considered highly imaginative and intuitive, gifted with intense emotional intelligence and optimism. It’s also the final sign on the Wheel of the Zodiac, lending it the reputation of the wise sage, an old soul that, despite a generally rosy outlook, can see through to someone’s true nature. Given its introspective personality, this sign is a powerful host for the full moon, which already rules our emotions — it will likely provide us with a major boost in creativity and, for at least some of us, particularly vivid dreams.

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On one hand, this renewed inner vision could come in handy at work, especially if you have any important brainstorms or pitch meetings on the horizon. A solution or way around a roadblock could become obvious to you — and your coworkers will be more than happy to work with you to reach your proposed end.

On the other, you might not feel satisfied focusing only on work during this full moon. Luckily, this is also a great time to pour your energy into any pet projects or hobbies. What activity feels like a mode of true self-expression for you? What gives you a sense of satisfaction and relief simultaneously? If you don’t already have such a creative outlet in your life, now’s the time to seek one out: give journaling try, join a new community group, or revisit an old pastime you thought you outgrew (Pisces does, after all, have a flair for nostalgia).

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Unfortunately, this full moon might not be all whimsy — it could come with a serious downside. Although your imagination will be positively crackling with stunning insights and fresh ideas, your view of the outside world could become skewed during this period. As much as we sing the praises of Pisces’ empathy, this tendency to think with the heart can lead to gullibility and a lack of concentration.

Of course, if your friends come to you for advice or comfort, there’s nothing wrong with meditating or helping them through a trying time. But if you find yourself taking on their issues as if they’re your own, consider stepping back. Piscean full moons awake the healer in all of us, but that shouldn’t mean putting your personal goals and needs on the backburner. Make sure your feelings aren’t being taken advantage of, even by those closest to you, who you wouldn’t think twice about lending your shoulder to.

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Whether you want to invest your time in yourself, others, or some balance of the two during this month’s full moon, remember to listen to the little voice in your head before making any final decisions. No matter how practical and grounded you may normally behave, the September full moon wants all of us to go with our guts.