More than 100 threatened species put at risk by Australian bushfires

Possums, koalas and kangaroos have all been affected - AFP
Possums, koalas and kangaroos have all been affected - AFP

Over half of the populations of more than 100 threatened species in Australia may have been killed in the ongoing bushfire crisis.

On Monday the country’s Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy released a report showing the devastating impact of the blazes.

The department studied threatened and migratory species which have, or had, more than 10 per cent of their known or predicted distribution in areas affected by bushfires in southern and eastern Australia between August 2019 and January 2020.

The preliminary findings indicated that 49 listed threatened species have more than 80 per cent of their likely or known population distribution within the burnt-through areas.

Sixty-five listed threatened species have between 50 and 80 per cent of their likely or known distribution within the areas destroyed by the wild fires.

Possums, koalas and kangaroos have all been affected - Credit: KIRAN RIDLEY/GREENPEACE AUSTRALIA PACIFIC/AFP via Getty Images
Possums, koalas and kangaroos have all been affected Credit: KIRAN RIDLEY/GREENPEACE AUSTRALIA PACIFIC/AFP via Getty Images

A further 77 threatened species have between 30 and 50 per cent of their distribution in the fire zones, and 136 appear to have lost between 10 and 30 per cent of their population in the fires.

The total threatened species involved include 16 mammal, 14 frog, nine bird, seven reptile, four insect, four fish, one spider and 272 plants species.

Thirty-one of them were considered critically endangered before the fires, 110 considered endangered and another 186 classified as vulnerable.

The Department said the classifications would need to be reviewed by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee once the full impact of the fires is better understood.

Not only have Australia’s rare animals and plants had to endure months of drought, record high temperatures and a fire crisis on an unimaginable scale, more extreme weather has followed, with sudden heavy rains combining hills and other land formations weakened by fire to create flash floods and mudslides.

In the nation’s capital, which recently experienced its hottest day ever, the longest sequence of days over 40 degrees C on record, and the world’s worst air quality, was pummelled by hail and 116kmh winds on Monday.

Veterinarian staff care for a rescued platypus - Credit: Aussie Ark via REUTERS
Veterinarian staff care for a rescued platypus Credit: Aussie Ark via REUTERS

The hailstones, said to be larger than golf balls, smashed windows and damaged cars and houses across Canberra.

In Victoria, hailstones up to 5cm across battered the state capital of Melbourne as winds up to 120kmh hit.

Elsewhere, vast dust storms swept through the central west of New South Wales, creating incredible scenes in Dubbo and other towns as what looked like a tidal wave of dust and debris bore down on the residents.

And the fires claimed another victim as an 84-year-old man from Cobargo, New South Wales, died in hospital from injuries sustained on 31 December, bringing the fire death toll in that state to 21.