More CARES dollars available for the needy in Miami-Dade can pay for food, rent

The United Way will begin accepting more applications Thursday morning for $20 million in relief funds for Miami-Dade residents, with stipends available to cover groceries, electric bills and rent for people hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Applications will be accepted starting at 9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 1, according to an announcement posted on United Way’s website. When the application process first opened in early August, it took less than a week for the United Way to halt the process because it was so quickly overwhelmed with requests. A United Way representative said Wednesday night she expects the same kind of response this time around.

“There’s such a huge, great need in the community,” said Cristina Blanco, head of communications for the charity’s Miami-Dade office.

Out of the $20 million approved by Miami-Dade commissioners from a $474 million CARES Act allocation, United Way said about $14 million has been distributed to residents.

The money went to about 9,000 households, suggesting an average payment of about $1,500. The United Way says the money assisted about 29,000 people. The county legislation creating the program allowed the United Way to use up to $3 million of the fund to cover expenses tied to processing the applications and distributing the dollars.

The applications will be available online at The grants target people whose incomes fall just above federal poverty limits, making it harder for them to qualify for existing aid programs. Applicants must be first-time recipients of the aid, and be able to show financial hardship from the COVID pandemic.