More new Pennsylvania voters registered as Democrat, but will they vote that way?

In a midterm election where Pennsylvania has become a battleground state for control of Congress, Democrats are leading a massive spike of new voters in the weeks before Election Day but Republicans have more voters now than in 2018.

Pennsylvania Department of State voter records show nearly 232,198 people have registered to vote so far this year, with nearly 10% of that total signing up the week ending Oct. 24, the last day to register to vote in the 2022 election.

About 44% of those newest registrations went to Democrats, who now make up over 4 million of Pennsylvania's 8.84 million voters. Republican voters total about 3.48 million and another 1.32 million voters are registered under one of about 400 other parties recognized by the state's voter rolls.

Democrats have maintained a sizable lead over the GOP and other voters since June, when the Supreme Court issued a ruling that effectively overturned Roe v. Wade and put abortion on the ballot in November.

The decision court’s 6-3 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization seemed to energize voter registrations on the left and among independents and other voters, who all outpaced new Republican registrations until about a month ago.

New GOP voters made up about 29% of the most recent new voters, followed by 27% for other parties and the unaffiliated.

High stakes at the top of the ticket

The surge comes as the Senate race between Democrat Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Republican former TV Host and heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz has narrowed and as Attorney General Josh Shapiro seeks to keep the governorship Democratic against Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano.

With the U.S. Senate a 50-50 split between Democrats and Republicans, the race to fill the seat of retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania has gained national attention and may decide whether Democrats maintain their one-vote majority when Vice President Kamala Harris is the tie-breaker.

Oz has seen his support grow at a glacial pace since the May 17 primary, where he narrowly defeated Dave McCormick by less than 1,000 votes for the party nomination.

Social media kept Fetterman in the conversation as he recovered from a stroke suffered days before the primary, helping the former Braddock mayor maintain a significant lead in the polls for months.

Those polls have shifted earlier this month from giving Fetterman the lead over Oz to now calling the race a toss-up.

Oz and Fetterman met for their first and only debate on Oct. 25, with Fetterman struggling to answer some questions due to ongoing speech and hearing issues from the stroke while Oz deflected questions about a national abortion ban and multiple investigations into former President Donald Trump.

What to know about the Senate debate:5 takeaways from the one and only Oz-Fetterman debate

A Democratic spike may be misleading

A surge of new Democrats could be a good omen for Fetterman and other Democrats running for offices across the state, but a project from Shippensburg University on past voter registration and election results suggests this contest is far from an uphill battle for GOP candidates.

Political science professor Alison Dagnes, who headed the Shippensburg University Pennsylvania Elections Research (SUPER) project with 16 Wood Honor College students, said Republicans have grown significantly and Democrats have shrunk since the last midterm, in 2018.

Danges said the students from 10 different majors created the extensive collection of county-level election maps over the course of the current semester.

The SUPER website estimates Republicans had about 3.2 million voters compared to 4.1 million Democrats during the 2018 election, when control of the House flipped from Republican to Democratic.

Democrats had nearly 76,000 fewer voters last week compared to four years ago, a nearly 2% drop, and Republicans were up 218,397 voters since the last midterm, an increase of about 6.7%.

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It's 'complicated'

Dagnes said the project underscores important considerations when looking at registration data, chief among them is that political parties don’t dictate voting patterns.

“My contention is, and I think what the data show, is that it’s more complicated than that. You may register as a Republican, you may register as a Democrat, but there may be an election where you vote up and down the ticket and in different ways,” Dagnes said.

A good example of that point are the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

Republicans and Democrats saw roughly the same growth in each election year compared to the previous midterm, but former President Donald Trump won the first race by about 44,000 votes and lost the next by nearly double that margin.

Even in a deeply polarized political climate, Dagnes noted that candidates need to appeal to voters across the spectrum if they want to hold office.

“One of the big bailiwicks that I have in this election is that we’re moving towards a place where I think a lot of elected officials (and candidates) may think that they only have to talk to the people that already like them, and I disagree with that,” Dagnes said.

Regardless of which party is ahead in new registrations, even millions of new voters won’t help any candidate if they don’t turn out on Election Day.

What voters need to know before Nov. 8:Pa. is about to vote. Here's what you need to know before Election Day on Nov. 8.

Turnout drops off in midterms

The 2016 Presidential contest saw about 61% of about 8.7 million Pennsylvania voters participating compared to about 76.5% turnout of the over 9 million voters registered in 2020, according to state election reports.

Turnout and total voters both decline in midterm years. In 2018, about 58% of 8.6 million voters gave Democrats Gov. Tom Wolf and Sen. Bob Casey reelection wins.

As of Friday afternoon, over 1.36 million voters have requested a mail ballot and just over 57% have been returned to election officials. Assuming none of those 780,545 ballots are spoiled, the returned mail ballots would mean an 8% turnout rate so far in the 2022 election.

Since Act 77 of 2019 allowed no-excuse mail ballots, Democrats have typically been the party to favor mail voting and this year seems to be no different.

The last day to request a mail ballot is Nov. 1 and all mail ballots must be received by a voter’s county Board of Elections office by 8 p.m. on Nov. 8,

Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 8.

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Democrats registered more new voters than GOP before PA 2022 election