Morgan's American Grill adds Nana B. Sweets homemade bakery items on select days

Aug. 2—It all comes from Nana B., according to Zach Taulton, head chef at New Market staple Morgan's American Grill and leader of its new extension: a homemade sweet treats shop called Nana B. Sweets. It's open at Morgan's on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to sell-out. "We have lines out the door," said restaurant owner Shannon Blackway. Also chef at the restaurant, Taulton began to bake to honor the legacy of his grandmother, avid home baker Nancy Bixler, in March 2021 with his aunt, Diana Smith. They made Bixler's "old-fashioned" sweets, such as homemade donuts. It eventually grew too large for Taulton's house, so he moved it into Morgan's in January, he said. "It was a win-win," Taulton added. The bakery took up space in the restaurant that was not being utilized well, and its sweets are also sold in the dining room, Blackway said. "It's a real compliment" to Morgan's, Blackway added. Bixler herself (Nana B) even came in once. "Oh, she's just as proud as can be. I don't know how many times she said that," Taulton said. He recalled using her handmade books filled with recipe cards, newspaper clippings and recipes she took from other family members or sources, to develop the sweets. Blackway said her favorite thing about the restaurant is its social coziness. "Some of our customers have been coming here since the day we opened, and if we don't know their names, then they know each other. On a Saturday night, you have people table hopping, chatting with each other, buying each other a dessert or a drink."

Nana B. Sweets at Morgan's American Grill

11717 Old National Pike, New Market
