Morons Shine Laser at News Helicopter, Get Exactly What's Coming to Them

From Popular Mechanics

America has no shortage of idiots who pass the time by shining lasers at planes and helicopters. Thankfully, today's awesome camera technology means that our nation's worst and dimmest are caught pretty easily.

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Take this recent clip at LiveLeak. As it opens you can see a blue light at the bottom, clearly people shining a laser at the news chopper. The thing about shining a bright laser at somebody, though, is that it gives away your position. The news chopper guys call it in, and pretty soon the cops come for these geniuses.

Don't be these guys. If you're not swayed by the very real danger of blinding pilots, then take a moment to consider the people who decided to point a laser at a police helicopter. Yeah. They didn't get away.

Source: LiveLeak via Reddit

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