Mosquitoes testing positive for the West Nile virus found in Monroe County

The Monroe County Health Department office on Seventh Street.
The Monroe County Health Department office on Seventh Street.

This summer in Monroe County, you'll need to watch out for more than just heat advisories if you plan on being outdoors. According to the county health department, mosquitoes testing positive for the West Nile virus have been found in this area.

Here's what that means for summer activities and how you can keep you and your family safe.

What is the West Nile virus? How does it spread?

The West Nile virus is a disease commonly spread to humans via mosquitos throughout the United States, typically during the summer and early fall. It can spread to humans, birds, mosquitoes, horses and some pets. No vaccine for the West Nile virus has been developed for humans, and there is no specific medicine available.

West Nile virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes in the genus Culex.
West Nile virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes in the genus Culex.

How do I know if I have West Nile virus? Who is most at risk?

Most people infected with the West Nile virus either do not get sick or experience minor symptoms, which can manifest between three to 15 days after the mosquito bite. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about one in five infected people develop a fever and other symptoms.

However, some people can experience a more severe form of the disease by developing encephalitis, which impacts brain function, or meningitis, which inflames tissue covering the brain and spinal cord. People are encouraged to seek a doctor if they experience the following symptoms: high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, muscle weakness or paralysis, nausea or vomiting, sore joints and confusion.

People who are 50 or older are at a higher risk for serious illness and should take extra precaution.

How can I keep West Nile virus mosquitoes from biting me?

Mosquitos are active in places such as wooded areas and are most prevalent in the late afternoon, dusk to dawn and the early morning of the day. While outside, people can protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants.

Health officials also recommend using an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus or para-menthane-diol.

For more tips, residents can follow state health officials' mosquito bite prevention guideline. More information about the West Nile virus in Indiana can be found on the state's website at

How do I keep West Nile virus mosquitoes out of my home or yard?

A recent Monroe County health advisory highly encourages residents to remove any containers holding water from around their homes and yards.

Installing or repairing screens for windows and doors will also keep mosquitos from entering your home. To protect one's yard, health officials recommend repairing failed septic systems, drilling holes in the bottom of outdoor recycling containers, cleaning clogged roof gutters and cutting grass short. To protect your nearby animals, ornamental fountains and birdbaths should be flushed periodically and pet bowls should be refreshed frequently. For ornamental pools, such as ponds, health officials recommend aeration, which pulls air into the water, or adding predatory fish.

Reach Rachel Smith at

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: West Nile virus detected in Monroe County this summer