'Most Accurate Weather-Predicting Duck in Northern Hemisphere' Says Six More Weeks of Winter

Scramble, named by the Connecticut General Assembly as “The Most Accurate Weather-Predicting Duck In The Northern Hemisphere”, predicted six more weeks of winter on Groundhog Day, February 2.

Footage shows Scramble making his prediction in Eastford, Connecticut, on Thursday.

Scramble’s prediction was read out by duck handler Aaron Minor, who said: “Hear ye, Hear ye, Scramble has decreed. On this day, the second on February, my shadow I do see.”

The decree was followed by a series of quacks from Scramble himself.

According to Scramble the Duck’s website, he has been named “The Most Accurate Weather-Predicting Duck in the Northern Hemisphere and possibly the world” by the Connecticut General Assembly.

The website says Scramble has a 100 percent accuracy in his predictions.

The BBC, however, said Scramble has a zero percent accuracy rate. Credit: Pat Boyd via Storyful

Video Transcript

AARON MINOR: Hear ye, hear ye. Scramble has decreed, on this day, the 2nd of February, my shadow I do see. I can hear your sighs, your groans, your exasperations, and your shrieks, knowing from winter, the season of dread, is extended six more weeks.

Hear ye, hear ye. Scramble has decreed, on this day, the 2nd of February, my shadow I do see. I can hear your sighs, your groans, your exasperations, and your shrieks, knowing from winter, the season of dread, is extended six more weeks.

Hear ye, hear ye. Scramble has decreed, on this day, the 2nd of February, my shadow I do see. I can hear your sighs, your groans, your exasperations, and your shrieks, knowing from winter, the season of dread, is extended six more weeks.

Hear ye, hear ye. Scramble has decreed, on this day, the 2nd of February, my shadow I do see. I can hear your sighs, your groans, your exasperations, and your shrieks, knowing from winter, the season of dread, is extended six more weeks.