The most wonderful time of the year

Josh Wilson
Josh Wilson
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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

There are many reasons for this, from the family gatherings to the fun lights to the feel-good movies to the nostalgic music, and so much more. There are decorations, cookies, parties, and days off work. There is much to celebrate, and our community celebrates it very well.

Yet there are other sides to the holiday that makes it less joyful. Perhaps it’s the stress of a crazy season, the busy schedule filled with non-stop plans, the loneliness felt as you feel the distance from your family, or the sorrow felt afresh as you remember loved ones long gone.

The true message of Christmas speaks to people in both categories, and everyone in-between.

True message is the birth of Jesus, the promised Savior

The true message of Christmas is about the arrival of Jesus as a baby, the Son of God in human flesh, the long-promised Savior who would deliver his people. But he came into a world filled with darkness, a world that was far different than the way he had created it to be. Sin, and its far-ranging effects, spread throughout all of creation, leading to death and destruction. The fact that he had to come at all is proof that the pain, sorrow, and brokenness you feel is real.

But he came so the pain, sorrow, and brokenness will not have the last word. He came to put an end to all of that through bringing salvation. The Bible tells us Jesus “will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21), promising that because this child was born to die upon a cross, only to be raised again three days later, all who believe in him will be saved.

This salvation brings lasting joy, the kind of delight that does not come merely for a month in the calendar year but lasts continually. A joy that is rooted not in circumstances but in Christ, Jesus the Savior. The events of life might not get better. The pain and sorrow that weigh on your heart may not leave. But Christmas promises there is one who is with us in it: this Jesus is also called Immanuel, “which means, God with us” (Matthew 1:23).

Perhaps you find yourself this Christmas season looking for peace, looking for joy, looking for hope, looking for rest, or looking for belonging. My encouragement to you is to look to Jesus the Christ, the God who came to be with us at Christmas so we could be with him forever in heaven.

Josh Wilson is the senior pastor at Ashland Grace Church.

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Learn the true message of Christmas through Jesus the Savior