Mother Cabrini Day, Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day cause confusion in Colorado

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Oct. 3—Traffic might have been a little lighter going to work on Monday on some Colorado roadways, since state employees had a paid holiday. So did some other workers, including Adams County staff.

But an informal on-the-street survey in Colorado Springs showed most people were unaware of Monday's holiday.

For the third year, the first Monday in October was observed as Mother Cabrini Day.

"I didn't know anything about it. I was like, 'What?'" said Marcus May, who was sitting with his buddy on a downtown bench.

It was business as usual for the postal service, banks, most businesses and other government agencies.

Even the staff at the Catholic Diocese of Colorado Springs didn't have Monday off.

"Somewhat ironically, we are open," spokeswoman Veronica Ambuul said.

"Because our schedule accommodates a combination of secular holidays and church holidays — we'll have Nov. 1, All Saints Day, off, which is not a holiday for state employees. As a result, we don't always correspond to state holidays."

In the weeks leading up to what would become the COVID-19 pandemic, Colorado lawmakers established Frances Xavier Cabrini Day, which Gov. Jared Polis signed into law on March 20, 2020.

Mother Cabrini Day replaces Columbus Day, a federal holiday observed on the second Monday in October.

The decision marked the first paid state holiday in the nation to recognize a woman.

But the holiday is confusing in several ways, said Colorado Springs resident Gina Knaack.

"There was no guidance from the state as far as what it means for the state," she said.

"There's no state recognition," Knaack said. "Nobody has ownership of the day."

And while the state has removed Columbus Day from the calendar, some towns and cities in Colorado will recognize next Monday as Columbus Day — which remains on the books as a federal holiday.

To further complicate October holidays, President Joe Biden last year proclaimed the second Monday in October "Indigenous Peoples Day," as did Colorado's governor.

It was the first time for a president to do that, an action that further rankled Coloradans who opposed the disappearance of Columbus Day.

"There are 364 other days of the year — don't have it on the same day," Knaack said, mentioning that November is recognized nationally as "National American Indian Heritage Month," which pays tribute to the ancestry and traditions of Native Americans.

Italian-American organizations are petitioning Biden to not make such an observance the same day as Columbus Day this year, she said.

Mother Cabrini, an Italian-American Roman Catholic nun, was born in 1850 and in 1946 became the first American citizen to be canonized a saint. She's known as the patron saint of immigrants.

Monday brought no parades and just a few events, primarily at the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, where a religious service, a scavenger hunt and a preview of a soon-to-be-released movie about her were offered.

While the Catholic Church in Colorado had no position regarding the change from the holiday celebrating Columbus, people are happy to have "an established state holiday that celebrates a great American saint with a huge impact in Colorado," said Brittany Vessely, executive director of the Colorado Catholic Conference, a lobbying group for the state's three Catholic dioceses.

During her life, Mother Cabrini founded an order of religious women and 67 schools, hospitals, camps and orphanages in the United States, including the first orphanage in Denver, which is now her namesake shrine.

She was known nationwide for her humanitarian work with the poor and immigrants and exuded caring, compassion and community.

Who doesn't admire a woman who embraced those qualities, said Knaack, an Italian-American who testified at the state Capitol three years ago in favor of keeping Columbus Day or working out an amicable agreement.

Italian-American organizations, such as the Sons and Daughters of Italy, which opposed the shift in holidays, weren't given fair consideration, she believes.

"We were willing to compromise, but we weren't ever asked for input on which Italian we should honor," Knaack said.

Colorado, paradoxically, was the first state to celebrate Columbus Day in 1907, three decades before President Franklin D. Roosevelt would proclaim it a national holiday in 1937.

Colorado is now one of 27 states that do not recognize Columbus Day, according to a 2021 survey by

Opposition has come from groups who say Christopher Columbus did not actually "discover" America, and he behaved inhumanely toward Native Americans. Activists with the American Indian Movement were among those campaigning for Columbus Day to be repealed, saying there's no reason to celebrate people like Columbus.

Columbus Day was intended to honor and recognize all immigrants' paths to the New World, said Jerry Carleo, chairman of the Colorado Italian American Foundation. He also works with the board at the Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge #2738 in Pueblo.

"Columbus Day has been co-opted with misinformation by a relatively small subset of the population well-funded by external outside forces," he said. "The state is choosing to appease one group over another."

Carleo views the elimination of Columbus Day as a denigration that has "resulted in injury to the Italian-American heritage and culture."

As in recent years, Carleo expects protesters at an annual celebration that will be held Monday, Oct. 10, at Christopher Columbus Piazza in Pueblo. It's the first and now the only Columbus monument left standing west of the Mississippi.

Hundreds of people normally participate in the observance in the southeast Colorado city that has had a strong Italian-American presence for more than a century.

"The state recognizes 12 holidays a year; in order to get another holiday recognized, they had to get rid of one," Carleo said. "It creates the perception of an appeasement, but it's the desecration of the actions of American history."

Several Colorado Springs residents like May said they view the debate as a non-issue.

"It's not affecting my life either way," he said. "It's interesting, but it has no financial or emotional impact on me, so why would I care?"