A mother's fury eases a year after Hadi Shrine Circus pony incident

CHANDLER, Ind. — Jasmine Drew remembers her anger at the sight of her 2-year-old son “crying and screaming” on his back, bitten in the face by a pony at last year's Hadi Shrine Circus.

Drew had gone with Grayson to the floor at Ford Center for a pony ride. Afterward, she said, the pony's handler gave the boy permission to pet the animal. That's when things went sideways.

"He walked up to pet it and, as soon as he just started walking up is when the pony turned around and bit him," Drew said.

The dams broke, and a mother's fury poured out. Drew was mad at the pony's handlers, who she says barely seemed to notice what had happened. She was mad at Hadi Shrine officials. She was even mad at the pony. She's still a little mad about the whole thing, actually, but the news that Hadi Shrine officials will post an extra worker to this year's pony rides makes it easier to swallow her anger.

Local news:Hadi Shrine Circus back for Thanksgiving weekend, with fewer animal performances

Grayson? He's fine now, Drew said — although it was touch and go for a while. The outline of the pony's teeth dotted his cheek for a week. It took more like a month for him to regain his cheery demeanor. But he has no memory of the incident and no apparent fear of animals, Drew said.

"My main concern was this happening to somebody else’s child or children," she said at the family's home in Chandler. Grayson giggled and rolled around on the floor at her feet while engaging a toy semi-truck, a large plastic ball and a bucket all at once.

"Part of me is thankful he doesn’t remember it."

Drew's feelings are more complicated. They lie close to the surface, easily awakened by a few questions. The Shriners seemed unbothered by what happened, she complains, although a Courier & Press story about the incident reported they did apologize and refund the $10 fee for the ride. Drew remembers that she insisted on talking to an Evansville Police Department officer at the scene.

More:A pony at the Evansville circus bit a 2-year-old. He didn't need stitches, but Mom is angry

"I was asking him, ‘I want to press charges against these people,'" she said. "They said, ‘You’ll have to contact a lawyer in order to do that.’ I did end up contacting a few lawyers, but the two of them that I did contact were basically saying, ‘With lawyer fees and everything like that, there’s really nothing — you’re not going to get very much money back.’"

Drew didn't want money so much as some greater acknowledgement that something serious had happened, she says.

Asked about all this, Hadi Shrine spokesman Dale Thomas pauses to measure his words.

Grayson Drew, 3, takes in a few minutes of television with Longo, his stuffed pup, Friday evening, Nov. 18, 2022. The youngster's face was bitten by a pony at the Hadi Shrine Circus last year, but has apparently put the incident behind him.
Grayson Drew, 3, takes in a few minutes of television with Longo, his stuffed pup, Friday evening, Nov. 18, 2022. The youngster's face was bitten by a pony at the Hadi Shrine Circus last year, but has apparently put the incident behind him.

"I will never argue with a mother who’s fighting for her child," Thomas said. "It's not a wise thing. My wife would fight for my kids tooth and nail."

The decision to post a Shriner watcher with pony rides this year — in addition to the handlers — is intended to make sure something like this never happens again, Thomas said.

"That’s what we’re working for," he said.

Still in her 20s, Drew has gained some perspective. Until recently she worked at the front desk in a veterinarian's office, so Grayson has had lots of exposure to dogs and cats and isn't bothered by them, she said. Still, fear of how he might react gently swayed her from bringing a small calf to his most recent birthday party, which had a farm theme. Drew hasn't taken him to a petting zoo or anywhere else with large animals. No ponies. No circus this year.

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"I feel like I’ve grown a lot since then," she said. "Now that I’ve thought it through and went over it in my head a few times, I feel bad for the pony. I feel like it was so stressed out. They hold it in captivity, I feel like it was stressed out and overwhelmed."

It's not an uncommon sentiment.

The Courier & Press received an email this week announcing that "concerned locals and animal rights activists" would protest outside Ford Center with signs one hour before each circus showtime.

"Stressed-out wild animals made to do tricks in close quarters with people have proven to be deadly," the group warned.

Evansville's circus, which is a Thanksgiving weekend tradition in the city dating to 1933, is one of a dwindling number across the U.S. that continues to use animal acts.

"The elephants have long been a crowd favorite and it’s truly a must see experience," the Hadi Shrine Circus website states. "You will be in awe of these beloved friends of the circus, just like we are."

But Grayson isn't debating any issues at the moment, thank you. Still just three years old, he is a bit bashful around strangers. He greeted all questions from the Courier & Press with smiles and yes-or-no answers.

"I’ve showed him pictures, and he just says, ‘Oh, I had a booboo on my face,'" Drew said with a laugh.

Drew is thankful at Thanksgiving that the boy wasn't seriously hurt or psychologically affected by what happened. A year later, he shows every sign of being a normal kid.

And she's OK too, with the ability to take a longer look back. The weightiest issue being pondered in the Drew household these days is whether Grayson should have a puppy or a kitten.

"He wants a kitten. ... I think because they're soft," Drew said.

This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: A mother's fury eases a year after Hadi Shrine Circus pony incident