Mothers nurture miracles; new social studies standards appalling: Your letters

Mothers nurture miracles

Science continues, without a doubt, to proclaim that human life begins at conception. From then on, a baby girl’s or baby boy’s multiple, miraculous systems continue developing inside the protection of their mother’s womb before birth and under the loving care of parents after birth.

Please, moms-to-be, appreciate your privilege, the miracle you have been chosen to nurture. Do not destroy the magnificent creation you are carrying! If need be, accept help before and after birth from any one of the multitude of pro-life resources. For example, for loving, non-judgmental support, call Birthright at 1-800-550-4900.

Gloria Duenwald, Hoven

Many people, groups helped make Brown County Fair a success

The 2022 Brown County Fair is in the books and what a success! So many good-hearted folks invested countless hours of personal time and effort to make this incredible event possible. And the attendance and tremendous outpouring of community support for this year’s "Celebration of the Red, White and Blue" made their efforts completely worth it.

I must give accolades to our volunteer fair board members who sacrificed time away from their families and jobs to ensure the 2022 Brown County Fair would be dynamite. It is amazing to witness a selfless group of 24 volunteers transform our county fairgrounds into a brilliant park filled with livestock, entertainment and thrills galore. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

I’m grateful to the multitude of businesses and community sponsors who opened their wallets to financially support the county fair. I’m also grateful to the service organizations and workers who helped clean the grounds, watch the gates, scan and sell tickets, and drive golf carts, people movers and the kiddie train. The fair staff and various county departments who went above and beyond to assist in making the week run smoothly also deserve recognition. It takes a very large crew of dedicated fair lovers to successfully pull off this event and we are blessed to have them.

And I am especially thankful to each person who took the time to attend and enjoy the fair this year. You have a multitude of entertainment options, and on behalf of the fair board and staff, we are happy you chose the Brown County Fair. Our Brown County Fair has grown into a very special event to be cherished and enjoyed by kids and adults of all ages, as well as a destination to be preserved for generations to come. Working together, we will continue to make it a family tradition worthy of celebrating each August. Thank you for joining us.

Rachel Kippley, Aberdeen, Brown County Fair manager

New social studies standards are appalling

As a classroom teacher and principal for more than 40 years, I am appalled at the new proposed social studies standards. It's very apparent this task force lacked people with a background in foundations of education or child development. The proposed standards should not be adopted by any K-12 school system.

Even though the introduction of proposed standards states that the South Dakota children deserve “history and civics instruction free from political agendas and activism,” the governor’s new process is nothing but politically motivated. We could have used the well-written first draft of the 2021 standards developed by 45 professional educators and historians that included a more in-depth study of our Native nations. Instead, she chose to spend more money to hire an out-of-state facilitator from Hillsdale College, paying him $200,000 to lead that task force. She hand-picked members who agree with her political agenda to be on the task force, including her own staff who have no experience writing standards, and religious, private school leaders who do not have to follow standards. As a result, they developed imbalanced, unrealistic standards.

The governor removed from the Board of Education an experienced educator who stressed that the process of standards revision was an educational process and should not be political. The governor replaced her with a person who has no teaching experience in K-12 schools. That is a pretty strong indicator of someone who does not value the quality of education, but is using it as a tool to advance her national campaign.

We have capable, creative and knowledgeable teachers and students who deserve better. Contact the members of the state Board of Education and Education Secretary Tiffany Sanderson and tell them to not adopt this mockery of social studies standards. Let’s keep the political agendas out of educational programs.

M. Kathy Tuntland, Sioux Falls

Thune originally voted against PACT Act to help veterans

Veterans take notice. South Dakota Sen. John Thune, the second-highest ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate, voted against burn pit and toxic health benefits for veterans. Sen. Thune still had concerns about the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act passed in June by the Senate and voted no. He voted yes in August for no reason other than thinking a one-word change would help offset his initial no vote against veterans. Veterans who have given life and limb by willingly supporting this country’s founding fathers' forever peace and democracy goals. His initial descending vote was also ashamedly accompanied by a no vote from South Dakota’s junior Republican senator, Mike Rounds.

In my personal response letter from Sen. Thune -- after the tremendous public outcry for passage of the bill and after comedian Jon Stewart called out the elite, dividing Republican Senate in Washington -- he could not even write a personal acknowledgement that the bill was signed by President Joe Biden, only that it was signed on Aug. 10 by the president.

I would like to include a personal family note for the timely, unpolitical support of all disabled veterans. My nephew, on a second tour of duty for the Gulf War in Afghanistan, had a sniper's 223-caliber bullet enter his little toe, travel through his whole soul area and exit out his heel below the ankle. This Purple Heart awardee is a registered nurse who walks with a small limp, but only when wearing a right support shoe. As veteran who fought for freedom, he receives a meager monthly support payment.

Robert Thullner, Herreid

Brian Bengs will deliver for South Dakota

I am voting for Brian Bengs in November, but let me tell you why.

Brian is a 26-year veteran of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force, where he served as a JAG officer. He in an intelligent man who served as a college professor and taught courses at the Air Force Academy. He is running to protect democracy because he has seen how fragile it is.

After Jan. 6, 2021, Sen. John Thune did nothing while our democracy was in its most perilous moment. The Jan. 6 hearings clearly show that President Donald Trump attempted to overthrow the results of a legitimate political election. Where was John Thune? What is the point of having the next-in-line Republican leader representing us if he shows no leadership?

If you want a decent man to represent us in the Senate, a man who wants the rich to pay their fair share of taxes; expand quality, affordable health care coverage and make prescription drugs cheaper, you should consider voting for Brian Bengs. He is for capping insulin payments at $35 a month for all South Dakotans, unlike Sen. Thune, who led the charge to stop the price cap. If you want someone who is focused on delivering for South Dakota, not being the next Senate majority leader, you should vote for Brian Bengs in November as your next U.S. senator. He is a good and decent man.

Kaleb Peterson, Vermillion

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Letter writers sound off on social studies standards, mothers