I moved to NYC from Wisconsin 10 years ago. Here are 6 things that still surprise me about the city

I moved to NYC from Wisconsin 10 years ago. Here are 6 things that still surprise me about the city
  • I moved from the Midwest to New York City almost 10 years ago.

  • I'm still surprised by how expensive it is to live here and how transient it can be.

  • I'm still amazed by the endless museum and cultural sites New York has to offer.

Even after almost a decade of living in New York City, I keep learning about new things to do and places to visit.

Galleries inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Anton Ivanov/Shutterstock

In almost 10 years of living in New York City after growing up in the Midwest, I haven't even come close to visiting all of its museums, historic landmarks, and cultural sites. I'm still amazed by how much this city has to offer.

New York City rent prices are still absurd to me.

My bedroom in my apartment.
A bedroom in a New York City apartment.Zoe Ettinger

The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in New York City is $3,950 — a 32% increase from last year, according to the online rental platform Zumper.

I know I should be used to how expensive it is to live here, but I still can't get over how much it can cost per month to rent a tiny shoe box. I try not to think about the kind of home I could rent in the Midwest for what I pay for my apartment.

In my experience, New York is a transient place that many people pass through but few settle in.

moving truck new york city
People loading a moving truck in Manhattan.Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Imates

I came to New York City for college and have lived here since, but many of my friends who came for school or work have only stayed for a few years before moving somewhere quieter or more affordable.

It continues to surprise me when yet another person I know moves away. In the Midwest, people who moved to my hometown usually stayed put.

New York City still surprises me by feeling like a small town sometimes.

People stand outside a subway station in Times Square, New York City
People stand outside a subway station in Times Square, New York City.Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Anytime I run an errand in the Midwest, I end up bumping into someone I knew growing up.

New York City has a population of more than 8.8 million people, according to Census data, and Madison Square Garden holds more people than my hometown ... but I still run into people I know all the time here, too.

It still shocks me how long it takes to travel just a few miles in the city.

Photo of a subway car in Wall Street Subway station in New York
A subway stop.Fraser Hall/Getty Images

Where I grew up, a 10-mile drive between towns takes about 15 minutes since it mostly involves driving on the highway. In New York, getting between boroughs can take hours on public transportation, and driving can take even longer due to traffic.

I'm still surprised by the kindness of New Yorkers.

An ambulance drives in New York City
An ambulance drives down a road in Brooklyn.Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Recently, I was walking down the street and saw a crowd gathered at the corner. It turns out they were tending to a woman who had fallen and hit her head. Complete strangers jumped into the street to direct traffic around her, called an ambulance, and stayed to make sure she was taken care of. It's not the first time I've seen New Yorkers step up and do what needs to be done.

New Yorkers have a reputation for being a little rough around the edges. While it's true they'll often get annoyed if you walk too slowly or cut in line, they look out for each other in a way that still warms my heart.

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