Moving St. George toward clean energy

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St. George city officials recently announced an accelerated move away from coal-generated electricity, toward renewables and natural gas for reasons of cost, reliability, and energy independence ("St George makes plans to reduce reliance on coal and increase its renewable energy mix", Spectrum 5/17/2022). The changing climate is the unmentioned driver. The US Southwest, especially southern Utah, will continue to warm faster and get drier than most places. Without big reductions in carbon emissions, our area could eventually become unlivable. It’s in our interest to make a shift. To do so, these policies should be considered:

Plan for 100% Clean Energy (by 2040?)

Natural gas is only a stop-gap. Its emissions, counting wellhead and transport losses, make it as climate-warming as coal. We must plan the transition to 100% clean energy. Rooftop solar is growing here, but it’s anemic considering the potential. The city should repeal the “solar reliability charge”, a prohibitively large backward tax on local solar electricity that falsely assumes customers with solar panels don’t pay their fair share of infrastructure costs. Incentivizing rooftop solar and supporting electricity storage technology are essential steps to energy independence.

Implement Energy-Efficiency Standards

Twenty years of resistance to serious water conservation has put us in a deep hole. Let’s not repeat that for energy conservation. Developers will argue efficiency standards would increase construction costs, making unaffordable housing even more so. It’s a false argument - if we don’t get much more efficient, climate impacts will make it unaffordable (and undesirable) to live here. We must start conserving energy, now, with construction standards and pricing that reward responsible, efficient use, just as with water.

Manage Growth

Rising local housing costs are fueled by short-term rental and second home construction, which also disproportionately stress our energy and water resources. Increase the premiums on those drivers of unaffordable housing and wasted resources. Do it regionally, following the “Vision Dixie” principles.

Endorse a Carbon Fee and Dividend

This conservative, market-driven solution, widely supported by scientists, industry and economists, imposes a fee on our carbon emissions and imports. The fee is returned as a dividend equally to all citizens. These features incentivize lower carbon emissions, here and abroad. While there is plenty we can do locally, this carbon fee/dividend policy is the first, best and essential global solution. Let’s formally endorse it!

We need transformational policies for energy and climate, just as we’re now starting for water. Our water crisis was caused by Utah’s wrong-minded sense of entitlement to the stressed Colorado River, driven by the politics of growth and supported by flawed analysis, costing us dearly for years to come. A similar politicized approach to this climate and energy crisis would have much more profound impacts. While we’re just starting to feel climate impacts here, they’re becoming painfully obvious worldwide. Yes, eliminating carbon emissions will cause economic disruption. That disruption can be managed. The massive disruption caused by inadequate action cannot be.

Elected officials get elected by reflecting the values of their constituents. Once elected, however, their duty is to be curious and open, and brave enough to actually lead their constituents. Leadership is needed for this emerging energy crisis, as St George is just starting to do, instead of waiting for top-down action. We need action from both ends if our community is going to be vibrant, safe and healthy for the next generations.

It’s easy to form hardened, narrow opinions, as we’ve seen happen on many local issues. On this one, let’s foster a deeper dialog and more understanding, avoid polarization, and get going on solutions.

Tom Butine is an engineer-scientist and technical analyst with a background in management, economics, and finance. He has deeply researched local conservation and climate issues, publicly presented the resulting conclusions and sought respectful and meaningful engagement with officials. Those officials and fellow constituents are invited to further that engagement using The Spectrum’s portal: log into your Facebook account, and then return to the digital version of this article and click on the comment button.

This article originally appeared on St. George Spectrum & Daily News: Your Turn: Moving St. George toward clean energy