'Mrs. Doubtfire' is coming to Columbus. Shouldn't GOP lawmakers be freaking out?| Letters

Rob McClure (as Daniel Hillard disguised as nanny Euphegenia Doubtfire) in the original Broadway production of “Mrs. Doubtfire.”
Rob McClure (as Daniel Hillard disguised as nanny Euphegenia Doubtfire) in the original Broadway production of “Mrs. Doubtfire.”

Shouldn't Ohio lawmakers be freaking out?

Say it ain't so. I saw a TV commercial advertising the upcoming run of the play "Mrs. Doubtfire" at The Ohio Theatre.

How could it be that, in the shadow of the Republican controlled statehouse, the capital city could allow a public performance of a drag show?

More: Blockbuster hits highlight PNC Broadway in Columbus' new season

Aren't we running the risk of having members of the audience confused about truth, justice, equity and their own sexual identity?

What about children who might view this play? What long term trauma are we causing them? And dare I ask what will happen at intermission when people typically use the many fine restrooms at The Ohio Theatre?

How many will be confused, threatened or conflicted about which door to open?

But the worst is yet to come. When each performance of Mrs. Doubtfire ends, hordes of people will be unleashed onto the streets of Columbus.

Robinson: Illogical Ohio lawmakers rather ban drag shows, parades than fix real plaguing problems

We might see men dressed as women. Women dressed like men. Little girls openly asking to play boys sports.

Little boys openly asking to play girls sports. When these folks arrive at home, we may even learn of dogs cohabitating with cats under the guise of household pets.

The only solution to all of this will be to have as many of us as possible pack the Ohio Theatre and judge for ourselves how pernicious this much heralded drag show can be.

David Gobey, Columbus

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

More: How to submit a letter to the editor for The Columbus Dispatch

Second Amendment is about gun violence

Why aren’t we addressing the number of guns saturating our communities — often ending up in the hands of young teens?

It’s shameful to see Ohio Republican legislators initiating House Bill 51, which in effect would shield Ohio from federal gun policies making Ohio a “sanctuary” gun state. I recently counted 136 different types of guns for sale in an ad of a local gun distributor.

It turns my stomach that we are actively promoting a culture of gun violence abetted by local officials who place securing your vote above common sense gun safety rules.

And no, random gun violence is not the original intent of the Second Amendment.

Susan B. West, Athens

Don’t fall for the scare tactics

Why shouldn’t decisions about reproductive care be made by women, their families, and their physicians?

The majority of legislators who are trying to keep women in the second-class citizen category have not been to medical school. They do not understand the incredible trauma women experience when they are forced to make these very personal decisions.

More: LaRose is giving the finger to Ohioans. He's intentionally misleading you on abortion

Issue 1 is not just about abortion and reproductive care. It is about women and whether this state supports us as equal human beings who can make their own health care decisions. It is about equality of the sexes. Because women give birth, that “weakness” makes us controllable. We can be told what we are allowed to do with our bodies, although the fathers of these fetuses have no regulations controlling them.

Don’t fall for the scare tactics and the lies about Issue 1. Vote YES and support the women in your life and all the women in Ohio!

Deborah Barber, Kent

The Dispatch was refreshing

It did my heart good to see several encouraging and inspiring articles in the Oct. 19 edition of The Columbus Dispatch.

On the first page was the article about the Grote family (Donatos turns 60) and their unique and uncommon business policies of always trying to do the right thing.

In the Metro section was an article about the Call-in Program through the Columbus Violence Prevention office which I was not aware of but seems very promising in helping at risk individuals stay away from violent choices by helping them with their current circumstances to avoid future punishment.

More: Donatos at 60: Founder reflects on humble start, McDonald's takeover and the golden rule

And lastly, an article about a high school program in the Columbus City Schools system which is attempting to foster better relationships between staff members and students in order to help reduce suspensions and expulsions.

In a world of gloom and doom, it was refreshing to see reports on groups of people trying to make this state of ours a better place in which to live.

Thank you!

Ann MacDonald, Dublin

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Drag show will be next to Ohio capitol. Where's Mrs. Doubtfire fake outrage?