Ms Connecticut Senior America pageant will be held in West Hartford for woman 60 or over. ‘Everybody’s unique in their own beauty.’

Debra LaRoche Walls was “Miss Teen Connecticut” at age 17 and “Miss Connecticut” at 20, but none of it felt as sweet as her current title, “Ms Connecticut Senior America.”

“When your in your 60s women are different than when they’re in their 20s,” she said. “When you’re young you’re so insecure, it feels more like a competition. This is a kindred spirit of women in our 60s.”

Walls, of Stratford, is 66, works a high-level full-time job and sings and plays congas on weekends as part of the popular performing duo, “Sapphire,” which plays contemporary music, oldies, disco and classic rock.

Walls’ reign will be up June when another woman 60 or over will be chosen to wear the sash and crown.

The Ms Connecticut Senior America pageant, to be held this year at the Elmwood West Hartford Senior Center June 4, is looking for 2023 contestants.

The woman who is crowned will compete in the Ms Senior America Pageant, which will take place in Atlantic City, New Jersey October 15-19.

A pageant official said the Ms Senior America Pageant began in 1979 “with the belief that seniors are the foundation of America and our most valuable treasure.”

The pageant honors women who have reached the “Age of Elegance,” as contest officials put it.

“This is not a beauty pageant in the traditional sense, but one that looks also to inner beauty, grace and strength,” said Debra Eccles, producer and president of the pageant, who held the title in 2021.

Eccles said the pageant/club shares their talents with seniors throughout Connecticut at places like nursing homes and veterans’ hospitals, as well as appearing at charity events.

Eccles said she’s noticed that society in general treats older people differently, as if they don’t have the same worth. But she said in fact they have more to offer because seniors have wisdom and experience to share, having seen more of life.

Contestants participate in four areas: interview, evening gown, philosophy of life and and talent.

Walls was first-runner up in this year’s national contest of 43, missing the title by half a point.

Walls was urged to enter by a fan of “Sapphire,” a popular duo that plays the casino, restaurants and other events most weekends. Her performing partner is Tom Fulton.

Walls, married four years ago to well-known area photographer, Stuart Walls, is delighted the suggestion was made.

“It was a wonderful experience to meet nine other woman from all walks of life,” she said. “Everybody’s unique in their own beauty.”

Walls said the women became friends, some prayed together, shared life experiences, including around the deaths of some of their mothers. One contestant in her 80s even had them over for home-cooked sauce.

“It’s such a heartwarming experience,” Walls said.

Since 2015 Walls has been director of admissions for the International Program at The Gilbert School in Winsted, traveling the world and interviewing candidates and their families, as well as seeing them through the process here.

Previously she was director of admissions at Briarwood College in Southington for 28 years.

“I love the job. I care deeply,” for students and their families, she said.

Walls said she cares generally about people having a good time, whether its through her work, performance or the pageant.

“I rarely have a day off,” she said.

The Ms Connecticut Senior America can design what they do with the reign and Walls concentrated her efforts on using the title to support charities.

Her official rein will end soon, but, “I will stay connected — always make myself available,” she said.

Walls admits she had an advantage in the talent category because she’s a professional performer, but there were many talents showcased.

“Some people have never been on a stage,” she said.

As for how she keeps her size eight figure, Walls said she’s active - including the exercise she gets carrying equipment into gigs and she watches her diet.

She has no special exercise routine, but has weighed herself every day for years. in addition, a good metabolism seems to run in the family, she said.

“Of course, I love my ice cream and desserts,” she said.

Walls won the “Miss Teen Connecticut” pageant at age 17 and was named “Miss Connecticut,” in 1976, going on to compete in the “Miss America Contest,” emceed by the legendary Bert Parks.

Walls, who grew up in Cheshire, didn’t make it to the Top 10, but said, “It was totally an honor to be there.”

Rehearsal dates for the Ms Connecticut Senior America pageant are May 19 and June 2. Deadline for contestant applications is May 1, 2023 with an application fee of $150. Contestants must be at least 60 years of age, citizens of the United States, and residents of Connecticut. The organization also accepts sponsorships.

For more information and to request an on-line contestant application contact Eccles at or by calling 203-435-4286.