How Much Does IUI Cost? Treatment Price Range With or Without Insurance

People considering intrauterine insemination, or IUI, to have a baby, might be wondering what IUI costs are.

An IUI is a procedure in which a small, thin catheter is used to place sperm directly into the uterus.

"The purpose of this technique is to increase the number of sperm available to reach and fertilize the egg and therefore increase the chance of pregnancy," Dr. Sanaz Ghazal, a board-certified reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist and OB-GYN in southern California, told TODAY Parents.

How much is each round of IUI?

IUI cycles are generally much less expensive compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles, but the cost can vary from as little as a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on the treatment plan.

“Most IUI cycles are performed using medications in the form of pills, like clomiphene citrate or letrozole, to help induce ovulation,” Ghazal told TODAY. “These medications are substantially less expensive compared to IVF medications and sometimes they will be covered by insurance.”

The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology estimates costs up to $2,000 per cycle, depending on the fertility clinic, the type of medication used and any follow-up required.

Related: How much does IVF cost?

IUI treatment costs

Ghazal recommends people pursuing IUI research their insurance policies carefully for fertility coverage.

"Talk to your employer about whether they offer any family-building benefits and consider using a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings plan (HSA) if you have one," Ghazal said.

The California-based physician also recommends seeking a fertility clinic that offers financing options, or payment plans, and to consider applying for a fertility grant through various organizations to provide some financial support.

"Don’t forget to ask your clinic about discount programs for military personnel as well as for cancer patients," Ghazal said.

Related: The cost of infertility

IUI success rates

General success rates with IUI can range anywhere between 5-20% per cycle, which Ghazal explained is lower than most people expect.

"I advise couples to set realistic expectations and to prepare for the possibility of needing more than one cycle," she said. "If you have tried and failed two or more IUI cycles, speak with your doctor about the pros and cons of continuing to do IUIs or whether it’s time to consider a more advanced strategy like IVF."