How Much to Spend on a Skincare Routine

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If internet skincare experts are to be believed, spending an hour each night applying 17 different serums is the norm. Though skincare influencers would lead people to believe otherwise, any  sane dermatologist can attest that using dozens of products is unnecessary. The hype around skincare has created a lot of confusion and stress, particularly for men looking for reasonable regimens that’ll cover the bases without adding a needlessly onerous nightly routine.

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Even if it’s clear that succumbing to trends like gold leafed products isn’t necessary, skincare can be hard to navigate. And some basic questions are natural, like what do I need to do as a baseline? Do I have to do this every day? And just because my girlfriend lives this way, do I have to?

The answer, at least to the last one, is a definite no.

There’s no denying that a thorough skincare regimen can prevent things like accelerated wrinkling, dark spots, moisture, and elasticity loss, and acne. But a laundry list of products is not necessary for most guys, and in fact, curating a more efficient skincare routine can save money and lead to better results.

Identify Your Skin Type

The first step to building an efficient and effective skincare routine is identifying skin type and the primary skin issues one is trying to tackle.

“A person’s essential products depend on skin type, skin care goals, and skin issues that they are trying to address,” Dr. Carmen Castilla of New York Dermatology Group said.

There are three main categorizations of skin type: dry, oily, and combination skin, each of which correspond  to a common skin issue that can help inform which products are worth using.

Dry or Sensitive Skin: People with this type of skin should focus on the skin’s barrier functions (in other words, its ability to trap and maintain moisture).

Acne-Prone Skin: These individuals will focus on preventing acne as well as treating it and healing any leftover spots or irritation left.

Oily Skin: Managing sebum production is a key goal here, as well as exfoliation and preventing clogged pores.

Visibly Aging Skin: Anyone with an anti-aging regimen should focus on maintaining collagen and elastin production in the skin, through both defensive and proactive measures.

Smug folks who have been blessed with “normal” skin, a.k.a minimal issues, can still benefit from a skincare routine that tackles the basics: cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. Sun protection not only helps prevent issues later in life but is a worthwhile investment in overall hygiene.

What Skincare Products Do You Actually Need?

Dr. Julia Carroll of Compass Dermatology said there are four products everyone needs, regardless of skin type or issue: cleanser, moisturizer, SPF, and some sort of exfoliant.

According to both Carroll and Castilla, one of the best ways to build an efficient, cost-effective skincare regimen is to consolidate steps through multi-purpose products such as exfoliating cleansers and SPF moisturizers.


Why It’s Necessary: To remove impurities and keep skin refreshed (while also maximizing the efficacy of the subsequently applied products.)

Our Picks:

CeraVe SA Renewing Cleanser against white background
CeraVe SA Renewing Cleanser against white background


CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser

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CeraVe is one of the best budget-friendly skincare brands out there, and their Salicylic Acid Cleanser packs almost all of the aforementioned key ingredients (salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and ceramides). The salicylic acid acts as a chemical exfoliant while the three essential ceramides (1, 3, and 6-II) help restore the skin’s natural barrier. This is a great cleanser for all skin types and makes a great general wash for everyday use.

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Face Wash against white background
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Face Wash against white background


Neutrogena's Oil-Free Acne Wash

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Neutrogena’s Oil-Free Acne Wash is also formulated with salicylic acid to help chemically exfoliate the skin, and the brand’s MICROCLEAR technology is made to unclog pores and reduce oil without over-drying or irritating the skin. This is a great cleanser for those who suffer from excess oil or acne-prone skin.

Dove Men+Care Advanced Care face moisturizer against white background
Dove Men+Care Advanced Care face moisturizer against white background


Dove Men+Care Advanced Care Face & Body Cleanser

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Price: $9.97

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Dove Men+Care delivers an excellent Advanced Care Face & Body Cleanser that’s powerful enough to be used on both areas while also being gentle enough for sensitive skin. It’s made with natural aloe extract hydrating balm for calming and soothing dry, irritated skin. This cleanser works well for men who wash their faces in the shower, want to minimize the number of products in their bathroom, and have dry skin.

What You Should Pay:

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a cleanser. Most fall into the $10-$40 range, which is the most anyone needs to pay to get their face clean. There are plenty of other steps in a skincare routine where someone can splurge, and a few where it’s worth it, but cleansing is not one of them.

Face and Body Moisturizer

CeraVe's PM Moisturizing Facial Lotion against white background
CeraVe's PM Moisturizing Facial Lotion against white background


CeraVe's PM Moisturizer

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Price: $19.99 $14.92

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Castilla and Carroll recommend CeraVe’s PM moisturizer as a great budget-friendly option for daily nighttime use for most skin types. It’s formulated oil-free and non-comedogenic, making it simultaneously great for oily and acne-prone skin types. It’s also made with three essential ceramides for boosting the skin’s natural barrier, and it’s made with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid for calming the skin and moisturizing overnight.

CeraVe SPF AM Moisturizer against white background
CeraVe SPF AM Moisturizer against white background


CeraVe's SPF AM Moisturizer

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Price: $19.99 $17.96

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Both experts also recommended CeraVe’s SPF moisturizer as a great multi-use product for the morning. It’s formulated efficiently so users can skip a step during a busy morning and the affordable price point makes it even more budget-friendly. The SPF 30 micro-fine, zinc oxide sunscreen is formulated to spread on easily and absorb into the skin quickly which makes this a great last step in a morning skincare routine.

jar of Aveeno's Positively Radiant Gel Moisturizer against white background
jar of Aveeno's Positively Radiant Gel Moisturizer against white background


Aveeno's Positively Radiant Daily Gel Face Moisturizer

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Price: $23.39 $16.09

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Most moisturizers are made to be used in the evening before bed, or made with SPF for rounding out the morning skincare routine. Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Daily Gel Facial Moisturizer works in both camps and isn’t made with any super harsh or heavy ingredients that would impede it from being used during both times of the day. It’s gentle, hypoallergenic, and formulated for long-lasting hydration. If using two different lotions feels like too much, double up with this simple, flexible formula.

La Roche-Posay Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream against white background
La Roche-Posay Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream against white background


La Roche-Posay's Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Moisturizing Body Cream

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La Roche-Posay’s Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Moisturizing Body Cream is both soothing and lightweight, so it can be used on the face and body at the same time. Typically, body lotions are too heavy for use on the face, but this works for both saving time and money. It’s formulated for those with extra dry skin, and made with several soothing ingredients including healing Ceramide-3, shea butter, glycerin, and niacinamide.

What You Should Pay:

Moisturizers can get very expensive, but very few people need to spend a lot to achieve healthy, moisturized skin. $15-$25 is the super affordable end of the spectrum, but some can run the gamut in the $30, $50, or even $75 range. Those with “normal” skin looking to maintain moderate moisture levels can go with something around $20. Those with excessively oily or excessively dry skin may want to spend more for a higher-quality formula with better ingredients. No one needs to spend more than $50, in our opinion.


Why It’s Necessary: Because even a few minutes of daily sun exposure can accumulate into accelerated “photo aging,” or visible signs of aging. Wear SPF daily to prevent such damage from UV rays (and potential damage from computer/TV/smartphone screen exposure). Any progress made with a stellar, well-rounded skincare routine filled with powerful active ingredients can easily be undermined by sun damage, making daily sunscreen use a must.

Our Picks:

We’ve already offered a few top-notch SPF moisturizers, the product we recommend for consolidating a morning skincare routine and getting the most bang for your buck. Here are a few additional options, in case none of the ones above fit the bill.

eltaMD UV Clear SPF against white background
eltaMD UV Clear SPF against white background


EltaMD UV Clear Face Sunscreen

This sunscreen is a favorite amongst our editors, both for its zinc oxide formula and lightweight, silky texture that absorbs almost instantly into the skin. It’s oil-free and excellent for those with sensitive skin. It also has UVA/UVB sun protection with a broad-spectrum rating of 46.

Cardon Skincare SPF + Moisturizer against white background
Cardon Skincare SPF + Moisturizer against white background


Cardon SPF 30 Moisturizer

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Cardon is a Korean skincare brand that uses soothing, healing cacti in all of its formulas and packs in the vitamins in its SPF 30 Moisturizer. The formula is lightweight, absorbs quickly and is made with vitamins A, D, E, K as well as electrolytes for protecting the skin’s external barrier.

What You Should Pay:

SPF is not an area to skimp on, since it’s arguably the most important part of any skincare routine no matter the skin type or skin issue. $20-$30 is a budget-friendly minimum, while $30-$45 is the sweet spot for a worthwhile SPF product that isn’t overpriced.


Why It’s Necessary: Exfoliants remove dead skin cells and in turn prevent rough patches of skin, discoloration, and trapped pores. This is necessary enough to include in an “essentials” list, but not everyone will fully benefit. “This should be done 1-2 times per week,” Carroll said. “But anyone with rosacea should avoid it.”

Our Picks: 

La Roche-Posay Glycolic Acid Serum against white background
La Roche-Posay Glycolic Acid Serum against white background


La Roche-Posay Glycolic Acid Serum with Kojic Acid and Vitamin B5

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Price: $44.99 $39.99

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If a chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid isn’t already mixed into another step in the skincare routine, like the cleanser, this Glycolic Acid Serum from La Roche Posay is a great addition. It’s made to reduce dark spots, help improve discoloration as well as brighten and even skin tone. It’s best applied at night and sealed in with a moisturizer and contains aloe to help mitigate any potential irritation.

Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Exfoliating Cleanser Against white background
Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Exfoliating Cleanser Against white background


Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Exfoliating Cleanser

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Price: $28.47

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Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost exfoliating cleanser is powered by gentle doses of glycolic acid, lactic acid, and papaya enzymes to remove impurities from the surface of skin while also minimizing irritation and boosting hydration. It has a gel-cream consistency and goes on smooth making it great for a daily skincare routine.

What You Should Pay:

Exfoliants cost a bit more, especially chemical exfoliants that dissolve dead skin cells gently as opposed to physical exfoliants like scrubs that can be cheaper but are harsher on skin. The reasonable amount to pay for a dedicated exfoliant is $35-$50, and there are plenty of hybrid cleansers that should cost around $30.

So, How Much Do You Actually Need to Spend on a Skincare Routine?

The cost of each person’s skincare regimen will differ based on needs, targeted treatments, and goals. With that in mind, it is entirely possible to maintain a low-cost, high-performance facial skincare regimen with as few as three products. This can happen through two permutations:

  1. A morning moisturizer with SPF, an evening moisturizer, and an exfoliating cleanser

  2. A morning and evening moisturizer, a daytime facial SPF, and an exfoliating cleanser

From there, individuals can add any additional targeted ingredients and products for things like acne, psoriasis, eczema, anti-aging, and more.

Everyone’s expenses will differ when building a regimen. With daily use, these products should last 1-3 months; in some cases, an entry-level cost of $50 or so could be spread across three months, meaning an effective and baseline facial skincare regimen can, and probably should, cost as little as $16/17 per month.

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