Mum shares 'game changing' microwave rice food hack

A mum has shared a ‘game changing’ microwave rice hack [Photo: Getty]
A mum has shared a ‘game changing’ microwave rice hack [Photo: Getty]

When it comes to microwaving rice, you wouldn’t expect there to be a food hack to help ease the process.

After all, all you really have to do is pop the pouch in the microwave, hit start and voila, cooked rice.

But more often than not the top of the pouch catches the roof of the microwave sending it toppling over and leaving you trying to scoop up the grains of rice now scattered all over the bottom.

Thankfully one mum has come up with a simple solution, which should put an end to our rice scooping once and for all.

Taking to Facebook, mum-of-two Hannah Falzon shared an image of a microwave rice pouch with two hidden tabs flattened out to ensure the pouch stays upright on a flat surface.

“So I’ve just discovered this!!” she wrote. “Anyone that uses microwave rice and gets pissed off that it falls down in the microwave look! Magic tabs! You’re welcome.”

Since sharing the genius hack has received hundreds of likes and comments from fans who have labelled the simple yet effective trick as a ‘game changer.’

Commenting on the response to her hack Hannah, 24, told Manchester Evening News’ Facebook page Manchester Family: “I posted it because I wanted to make others aware of it. If I ever get a useful tip I share it to my friends and family.

“I’ve been super surprised by the reaction to it and didn’t expect it at all.”

This isn’t the first time a food hack has taken the Internet by storm.

Last year a mum shared her fuss-free hack to creating perfect mashed potato without the time-consuming prep and clear-up.

Taking to parenting site Mumsnet, the woman decided to share her discovery with other time-poor parents.

The cooking of mashed potatoes was the subject of a further hack when Food Network chef Tyler Florence’s revealed to Popsugar that the classic method of par boiling potatoes in water before draining, then mashing could actually be the incorrect way of preparing the much-loved dish because you could be throwing the flavour away with the discarded cooking water.

Instead, the chef recommends cooking the tatties in cream and butter, then collecting the resulting liquid to add to the potatoes when mashing.

It isn’t just mashed potatoes we’ve been cooking wrong either apparently. Chef Heston Blumenthal also recently revealed that our much-loved roast potatoes could do with a preparation reboot.

Apparently, according to the award-winning chef you need to parboil your potatoes for at least 20 minutes before even considering popping them in the oven.

It’s not only the cooking methods of the humble potato that food-lovers and chefs have been debating either.

Last year Gordon Ramsey shared his top tips for making the “most amazing burger” and revealed that as well as ensuring your ingredients are as high quality as possible, the one secret to success is not moving the burger once it hits the grill.

And Mary Berry sent the Internet into a complete meltdown when she suggested adding cream and white wine to a classic Spaghetti Bolognese recipe.

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