Must Have Vitamins That Should Be In Every Woman's Cabinet

You may think that drinking water and minding your business is the best wellness practice. Unfortunately, there are many other facets to wellness and health. Having the best vitamins is a good start. Here are the best that you should have in your cabinet.


About 1% of a woman’s body weight is calcium, which makes sense as to why it is important to the health of our bodies. Since women are four times more susceptible to developing  osteoporosis than men, getting enough is extremely important. Calcium also plays a role in heart and muscle action, blood clotting and normal cell function.

If you are under the age of 50, then you should consider taking at least 500 milligrams of calcium daily. Women over 50, should focus on about 800-1,000 mg daily.

Fish Oil

Certain fish (such as mackerel, lake trout and herring, just to name a few) are a full of omega-3 fats that we need in our bodies. Unfortunately, these fats can’t be made in our body and women they don’t seem to get enough of these nutrients naturally. That’s where the fish oil supplements would come to the rescue! Omega-3s are important for heart and blood vessel health as well as lowering the risk of heart disease. They also reduce inflammation, support healthy joints, and optimize brain operations.

When picking out what omega-3 supplements you want, it’s important to note that they are measured by the amount of EPAs (eicosapentaenoic acid- a type of fat) and DHAs (docosahexaenoic acid- another type of fat) that are in each capsule. One gram of EPA and DHA daily helps most women and you should only take fish oil supplements that are very low in contaminants, heavy metals and research products.

Vitamin C

For a long time, Vitamin C was touted as the immune system holy grail. We don’t suggest putting all of your immunity eggs in one Vitamin C basket, but it definitely does have some benefits! Vitamin C is proven to be essential for immune system support and collagen production. It also has properties that could help with several body ailments such as reducing risk of chronic disease, managing high blood pressure, lowering risk of heart disease and much more.

Although most people with a balanced diet receive a good amount of Vitamin C as it is, the recommended amount is 75 mg for adult women who aren’t pregnant or breastfeeding. Taking too much Vitamin C can cause side effects like nausea,
heartburn, stomach cramps or bloating as well as skin flushing.


Every single cell in your body contains magnesium. Every single cell also needs magnesium in order to function. If that’s not enough of a selling point to add this into your daily regimen, then I’m not sure what is! Low levels of magnesium have been linked to conditions such as muscle cramps, restlessness and insomnia. It is important to note that women who are on birth control are susceptible to magnesium deficiencies.

The recommended daily magnesium intake for adult women over 30 is about 320mg.

@hormoneguru Reply to @mzcindy1 magnesium is involved in >400 processes in your body! #supplements #wellness #anxiety #constipation ♬ original sound – Tara Scott MD, Hormone Guru


Probiotics are not only amazing for your overall health but more specifically for your vaginal health! Studies show they can help balance out your vagina’s pH levels. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of probiotics could stunt the growth of breast cancer cells.

A brand of probiotic with varying strains is a good start to choosing the right brand for you. A general consensus from professionals is to choose probiotic products with at least 1 billion colony forming units and contain Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium or Saccharomyces boulardii, some of the most researched probiotics.

Please keep in mind that you should always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements to find out what the best fit is for your body!