The #MyBodyMyTerms Campaign Uses Nude Photographs to Fight Rape Culture

A new campaign is using the hashtag #MyBodyMyTerms and nude photos to fight sexual violence.

Rape culture is prevalent in our society, so much so that it seems like there are countless campaigns aiming to dismantle it. Take, for example, Amber Rose's recent Slut Walk, or in another country, a new campaign using the hashtag #MyBodyMyTerms. Their initiative, which is based in New Zealand, has gone global after they launched their campaign to raise awareness about revenge porn, victim-blaming, and other forms of sexual violence. Their weapon of choice? Nude photographs.

The models in the photographs are everyone from regular people to celebrities, like transgender advocate Mary Haddock-Staniland. One actress, Teuila Blakely, was a public victim of revenge porn. This campaign is particularly significant, given that New Zealand has one of the worst sexual violence rates in the world. The campaign includes both men and women, though, and has inspired people everywhere to post their own photos with the hashtag #MyBodyMyTerms. Although no one campaign alone will end rape culture, it's encouraging to see the number of initiatives happening right now. Hopefully, we can all come together to help our culture reach a critical mass of understanding the problem.

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