N.J. high school student says he was kicked out of virtual class over Trump flag

The mother of a New Jersey high school student who was allegedly kicked out of a virtual class for having a sign supporting President Trump in the background is calling for an apology.

Anthony Ribeiro of Toms River High School North said he was booted from the online class after he declined to take down the sign, according to the Asbury Park Press.

“It bothers me because it’s in my home," the boy’s mother, Tara Jost, told the newspaper.

“He is an honor roll student, and if it is in my home,” she continued. “For this teacher to tell him to take it down and then kick him out of class is absurd. I think they have to make an apology to my son.”

Another teacher reportedly called the flag “obnoxious” and “distracting."

The school district, meanwhile, has said the student is allowed to hang the flag.

“Looking back I kind of regret it because I have the right in my house to do what I believe,” Anthony told the newspaper. “This should not happen to anyone.”

Toms River Regional Schools began the 2020-21 school year with virtual learning amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to the district’s website, and has since been phasing students back in for blended learning.


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