Nancy Williams: Combatting weeds with whackers, visitors and rabbits

There’s something nice about an attractive lawn. Green, tidy and weed-free. A plush outdoor carpet. For me, that nice feeling doesn’t merit the effort and cost. If you enjoy yard work, then knock yourself out. All day, every day. Plant things, dig them up, rotate them 10 degrees and plant them again. Not me. Yard work isn’t my thing.

At a social function I attended, a woman told me she loves operating a weed whacker. She got a flash of task excitement in her voice, just talking about it. Surprised me because my stereotype of a weed eater-loving woman is one who is sort of athletic and weathered. This woman is as feminine and beautiful as any I know. Very put together, great outfits, perfect skin, perfect smile, not one gorgeous hair out of place. Just goes to show you can’t judge how good a weed whacker someone is by their complexion and teeth.

On the yard-obsessed vs yard-negligent scale, I lean toward the let it be school of thought. I want the yard to look OK, but admit I’m more your meadow/prairie type than the manicured kind. I’ve accepted I’ll never be rid of all the weeds.

First of all, I’m ambivalent about designating weeds as undesirable. Weeds are people too. Obviously not people, but they count as vegetation as much as gorgeous Gerbera Daisies and other annuals, such as Awesome Angelonia and Lovely Lobularia. These fancy plants are often paired with praising adjectives. You never hear of Breath-Taking Dandelions or Highly-Coveted Clover. Both of which I farm in my yard.

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Plant hierarchy is intriguing. Seems the weaker, harder to grow plants are more desirable and higher up the food chain. The easier a plant grows, the less treasured it is. Hearty means taken for granted. Like me and a 90-pound friend I’ve had for decades. Everybody thinks she’s fragile and they’re so concerned about her comfort, although she’s hilariously strong and ferocious. Giant me needs a hand now and then. No way. Look at how tough and rugged you are, you’ll survive anywhere. Her little delicate self is an orchid. Survivor me, I’m crabgrass.

At least weeds are tenacious. Persist and persevere. You cannot conquer weeds. Managing them in your yard is the best you can do. And help from the village is welcome. I ask visitors to pluck one or two weeds for me as they come down the sidewalk to the house. A UPS guy once looked at a basket of peaches I had by the front door. I asked if he wanted one. He did and I gave him two. Requested he pull about six weeds on his way back to his truck. For the several visits after that when he’d leave a package, he’d leave a handful of weeds on top. I’ve also thought about putting a little yard sign out that says, while you wait on your dog to tinkle in my yard, please pull a few weeds.

Older Son asked me if I had a green thumb. Said he’d acquired a plant that needed more care than he’d been giving it. He brought over a pot of rosemary, in bad shape, as in dead. I’m not a plant expert, but I’d say brown and crunchy isn’t a indicator of thriving. He said he’d found it in the parking lot of his large apartment complex. He thinks it blew off someone else’s balcony during a big storm. I asked if he’d tried to find the owner. He said no, his personal code of plants is that if it appears in the parking lot beside his car, then the universe has given it to him.

Made me remember a large fan I’d just seen for sale on an email listserv. The seller warned several times in the description “This fan is too strong for inside the house.” and “Industrial fan — cannot be used indoors.” Sort of made me want to buy it just to use it indoors to see what would happen. Seems the worst it would be is gale force winds in the living room. A good Friday night activity.

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I also mentioned to Older Son that he could plug that high-powered fan up on his balcony and maybe blow some plants off nearby balconies. Plant procurement via storm simulation. He said no need. If he was going to do something wrong, the balcony above his had great plants. And the wooden planks on the floor had enough space between them he could poke something through and nudge some plants off. But he’s not like that. I’m not either until it sounds like a fun game.

Other than the weeds, another problem with my yard is evidently the moles and chipmunks. They tunnel around in it. As far as I was concerned it’s a good thing. Kind of fluffing up the dirt. Natural aerating. I said moles are like an aerator when a group of men were nearby. They freaked. “Are you serious? THEY KILL THE GRASS ROOTS!” I’m so sorry. I had no idea.

Since learning subterranean rodents are bad for grass, I figured rabbits might be too. For some reason, my yard is Watership Down this year and I yard-share with a big bunch of big rabbits. As we all know, a group of wild rabbits is called a fluffle. These are not bitty bunnies bouncing lightly around, but huge hares which pounce on and pommel the lawn. A fluffle of heavy-hoppers has to be bruising the grass roots. Which should be protected.

Looking out the window, I watched my rabbit population eating the daylights out of my weed population. Free yard labor. Thank you, big rabbits, I appreciate the help.

Nancy Williams, Citizen Times columnist and coordinator of professional education at UNC Asheville.
Nancy Williams, Citizen Times columnist and coordinator of professional education at UNC Asheville.

This is the opinion of Nancy Williams, the coordinator of professional education at UNC Asheville. Contact her at

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Nancy Williams: Combatting weeds with whackers, visitors and rabbits