Nathalie Emmanuel's Game of Thrones Workout Routine Is No Joke

Photo credit: Instagram/nathalieemmanuel
Photo credit: Instagram/nathalieemmanuel

From Prevention

  • Nathalie Emmanuel spends months getting her body into top shape for her role as Missandei on Game of Thones.

  • The GOT star hits the gym six times a week, with a focus on cardio and strengthening.

  • Here is the exact workout from Emmanuel's personal trainer that gets her prepared for her award-winning role.

Aside from her unbreakable loyalty, child-like innocence, and sheer brilliance, you've probably noticed Nathalie Emmanuel's rock hard abs in her role as Missandei on Game of Thrones.

Thanks to Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei escaped slavery and now serves as the trusted advisor, interpreter, and handmaiden to the Mother of Dragons during her quest to rule the Seven Kingdoms.

Missandei may have been born with that body, but Emmanuel had to work really hard to sculpt it into White-Walker-fighting-shape. To do so, the Reebok brand ambassador and actress has a personal trainer and hits the gym a whopping six days a week, focusing on cardio and strengthening.

“Nathalie is very open minded and dedicated-she makes time for the workouts, and has great potential,” Emmanuel's trainer and Reebok UK ambassador, Tyrone Brennand, told Reebok in an interview. “She also always puts 100% in every time we train, even if she’s tired from her work schedule.”

Commitment is important, and that's why the GOT star preps months in advance of shooting for the award-winning HBO series. Here's Brennand's exact workout plan that gets Emmanuel in top shape, so you can try it yourself and fight off The Dead if need be.

Monday: Boxing Circuits

Warm-up by running for 10-15 minutes.

Boxing circuits. Hit the heavy bag for 4 minutes.

  • 1 minute of technical punches

  • 1 minute of combinations

  • 1 minute of power punches

  • 1 minutes of straight arm punches

Full body weight circuit (do this for 2-3 rounds, swapping with the boxing circuit every four minutes).

  • 1 minute of squat press with dumbbells

  • 1 minute of burpees

  • 1 minute of slam balls

  • 1 minute of jumping rope 2-3 rounds

Finish with ab work, such as sit-ups and leg raises, butterflies and scissors; then inversion work, hand stand practice, crow and stretch work.

Tuesday: Upper Body

Warm-up and treadmill work for 15 minutes.

Upper body work (repeat this 3 times, resting for 20 seconds in between).

  • 10-15 reps of press ups (3 sets of 10-15 reps)

  • 10-15 reps of commando press ups on each arm

  • 30 snap jumps

  • Then plank work (repeat this 3 times, resting for 15 seconds in between)

  • 30 seconds of straight arm plank

  • 30 seconds of elbow planks

  • 30 seconds of side planks

  • 10 Burpees

Finish with a leg circuit (repeat twice).

  • 20 squats

  • 20 alternating lunges

Wednesday: Cardio

Warm-up for 10 minutes on the Curve Runner.

Next, sprint for 10 rounds of 30 second sprints, 30 second jog. Finish with 5 minute slow run cool down.

Then, run through inversion, hand stands, forearm stand work, crow, headstands, working a lot of core and bodyweight variations.

Thursday: Yoga Flow

Vinyasa yoga flow based upon dynamic, upper body strength, mixing up strength work with flexibility, opening up hips, shoulders and hamstrings, as well as arm, leg, shoulder strength drills.

Friday: Legs and Upper Body

Warm-up on stepper or on bike 10 minutes.

  • Bodyweight squats alternating between normal and sumo squats, set of 60 reps.

  • 10-15 leg press

  • 15-20 walking lunges

  • 20 seconds of frog jumps

  • 10 assisted pull ups, repeat from leg presses for 3 sets

Saturday: Cardio Circuits

Complete 3- 4 rounds of the below.

  • 1 minute burpees and with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of jumping squats with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of mountain climbers with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of press ups with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of press ups from knees with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of crunches with 30 seconds of rest

  • 1 minute of bicycles with 30 seconds of rest

Sunday: Rest!

And there you have it.

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