National Grid gearing-up for possible severe thunderstorms Wednesday

May 31—WATERTOWN — National Grid is gearing-up for possible severe thunderstorms on Wednesday.

The utility issued a notice on Tuesday that the agency has increased staffing and extended evening and overnight work shifts to prepare for the thunderstorms forecasted to hit Central and Northern New York on Wednesday. Meteorologists are predicting strong winds with potentially damaging gusts and dangerous lightning.

"In the event of a power outage, our crews and support teams will be working for as long as needed to restore service as soon as conditions are safe," the notice stated.

National Grid offered some reminders on how to prepare for a storm.

Keep flashlights and extra batteries on hand and make sure mobile devices are fully charged so you can stay connected in the event of an outage. For more visit

If you see a downed power line, keep away from it and anything it may be in contact with. Downed lines should be immediately reported by calling National Grid at 1-800-867-5222 or 911.

Generators used to supply power during an outage must be operated outdoors to prevent the buildup of deadly carbon monoxide. Before operating a generator, be sure to disconnect from National Grid's system by shutting off the main breaker, located in the electric service panel. Failure to do this could endanger utility crews and your neighbors.

Customers who depend on electrically powered life support equipment, such as a respirator, should contact the utility at 1-800-642-4272 for information on requesting designation as a life support customer. In a medical emergency, always dial 911.

If you lose power, turn off any appliances that were on when the power went off, but leave one light on so you will know when power is restored.

Be sure to check on elderly family members, neighbors and others who may need assistance during an outage.