National Weather Service brings Michiganders back to reality with tweet

National Weather Service temperature forecast for July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022.
National Weather Service temperature forecast for July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022.

Just when we hit the sweet spot in Pure Michigan weather, the National Weather Service brings us back to reality.

"This is a friendly reminder that we're now past our climatological warmest part of the year and normal temperatures have begun their downward trend. It's all downhill from here and soon the snowflakes will be flying again.," NWS Detroit posted in a tweet Monday.

And folks just aren't having it.

And neither were we.

A gif of Michael Scott (Steve Carell) from "The Office" seemed to convey the emotions of a lot of Michiganders.

"Are sure you want to call this a “friendly” reminder?" asks Edna White @MotownMama11.

"You forgot about the random 90° week in September," says moodi @Yajikobe.

I mean, they are not wrong.

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NWS, which replied it was surprised by the negative reaction, asked in another tweet "Would it help to know that sunset is now before 9pm and we're losing roughly 2 minutes of daylight each day?"

No, it does not.

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This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: National Weather Service tweets about Michigan falling temps, snow