Native American dancers from around the nation to compete at 27th annual Wildhorse Pow Wow

Native American culture and heritage will be celebrated with traditional songs, dances and food at the 27th annual Wildhorse Pow Wow this weekend.

The free event runs June 30 to July 2 outside at Wildhorse Resort just off I-84 east of Pendleton, Ore.

There will be free parking at the resort for all attendees, which will be around the building and in the open field area.

The event began in 1994 and has remained a celebration of culture open to all, according to a news release from Wild Horse Casino.

Through the three-day celebration, Native Americans from around the nation will come together to share their culture, tradition and customs with other participants and visitors.

The outdoor event will be on the open field and there will be bleachers for tourists to sit and watch. Tribal members are able to set up canopies or a chair.

A grand entry will be the first event of each day, where all participants perform various dances.

“We’re very excited to kick off the 2023 Wildhorse Pow Wow. We invite everyone to come and experience the power, strength, and beauty of Native American culture,” said Wildhorse Events Manager Juliana Luke in a news release. “This year’s Pow Wow promises to be another wonderful celebration for everyone.”

There will be a marketplace that showcases tapestries, with handmade Native American jewelry, art, clothing, and more for sale. Traditional Native American cuisine will also be available.

Dancers, drummers, and groups will be competing for over $10,000 in prize money in the Native American dance competition featuring different styles like Fancy, Grass, Jingle, and traditional.

Dancers are able to register for the competition on-site, while drummer groups must pre-register.

The Wildhorse Pow Wow is held each year to honor the past, embrace the present, and shape a future that cherishes and respects the diverse cultures that make our world vibrant, according to organizers.

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