Native religious leaders say legalizing peyote use for all would threaten their practices

Photos taken by investigators at Adam Dearmon's Camp Verde home.
Photos taken by investigators at Adam Dearmon's Camp Verde home.

The possibility that states might decriminalize the general use of peyote is raising concerns among Indigenous practitioners, who employ the cactus in traditional settings like the Native American Church. Already, the Navajo Nation is moving to oppose any changes in the law.

As states continue to decriminalize marijuana, Tracy Willie, director of the Navajo medicine man group Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation, Inc., said there could be a domino effect of states wanting to decriminalize peyote, which is a Schedule I controlled substance under the Federal Controlled Substance Act.

“At this point in time the challenges we are enduring is there are other nationalities that have interest because of what they see in the peyote, they call it mescaline,” said Willie. “That’s the primary interest.”

Mescaline is the hallucinogenic agent found within the peyote plant, and Willie and other members of the Native American Church across the country are worried that with the already limited availability of peyote, once it is decriminalized, it could become even more scare for actual traditional use.

“We want to preserve and protect this way of life, of worship, of belief not only for us, but for children, our grandchildren. We are looking 50 years down the road, 100 years down the road,” said Willie. “The peyote, where it grows, is very limited in the state of Texas and the vegetation and availability is limited.”

This week, leaders from the Native American Church of North America went to Washington, D.C., to meet with lawmakers to discuss the protection of peyote. Larry Wright, Jr., executive director of the National Congress of American Indians, spoke with members of the Native American Church of North America, reassuring them the group stands in support of their stance to protect peyote.

“On behalf of NCAI I want to reaffirm our support for the Native American Church of North America,” said Wright. “In 2009, NCAI passed a resolution, and this was support for the Native American Church of North America and the ability to harvest peyote. We want to make sure we are supporting that moving forward.”

Amid concerns, Navajo council weighs action

Where peyote is grown in Texas and Mexico, it is declining due to land development, ranching, agriculture, poaching, psychedelic tourism, incorrect harvesting and climate change, according to Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation, Inc.

Formerly known as the Native American Church of Navajoland Inc, the Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation, Inc. was established in 1966 as a non-profit organization, and was incorporated in New Mexico in 1972. In 1989, the Navajo Nation Council granted a revocable land use permit for the group in Chinle.

Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation recognizes peyote as sacred among the Navajo people, affirming that peyote has been consumed by Navajo people for religious, cultural and ceremonial purposes since time immemorial, according to the group.

The Navajo Nation Council is considering a measure that states the tribe is against the decriminalization of peyote. The legislation had gone through three other committees, with Navajo council delegates passing the legislation without hesitation, but the council’s Naabikiytai committee recently tabled the legislation for 45 days after the sponsor said members of the Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation weren’t on the same page.

If the legislation passes, it would put the Navajo Nation firmly in opposition to any state decriminalizing the use of peyote.

The measure would urge all states to limit the non-criminal use of peyote to religious, ceremonial and cultural purposes only, as it is stated in the American Indian Religious Freedom Act amendments of 1994.

Congress enacted the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 to protect the rights of Native Americans to exercise their traditional religions by ensuring access to sacred sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonial and traditional rites without repercussions from the federal government.

The law, Willie said, "only identifies that peyote is to be used by federally recognized tribes. We are one of those federally recognized tribes.”

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The journey to peyote practitioner

As a Navajo traditional practitioner, George Tolth has conducted numerous Native American Church meetings. He is also a veteran, former Navajo Nation police officer and a former council delegate who is seeking office again nearly 30 years after his last term ended. He is currently the chapter president of his community of Casamero Lake.

The journey for him to become a traditional practitioner took years, he said. When he came back from the military and became a police officer, he didn’t believe in the traditional use of peyote, and when his parents decided to hold an NAC meeting for him, he said he was agitated at the idea.

“I would say, 'why are you eating that stuff?'” remembered Tolth. “I didn’t believe it.”

Then he met his mentor, another practitioner who would teach him the songs, prayers, and proper way of conducting NAC meetings. Tolth would help his mentor as he conducted ceremonies.

“I kept going to his meetings,” said Tolth. “Started to learn the content of it, of how the medicine is talking to you. How the fireplace is talking to you. I learned how he conducted his meetings and what the purpose of it was.”

Tolth rarely uses peyote now, but it's not because he doesn’t believe in it. His belief in this traditional medicine thrives because it helped him get through tough times. What he worries about when it comes to peyote is people’s misuse and abuse of it, which he has seen on different occasions.

“I still believe in the Creator and the peyote, because if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be here,” said Tolth. “It put me here, and I can't walk out and say, ‘forget it.’ I still use it, but the problem is I see people misuse it.”

Threats to the plant in its habitat

A peyote plant can take 12-16 years to mature, which adds to the limited availability. So the wasteful misuse of it can have a dire impact on its supply for NAC members.

Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation believes if peyote is decriminalized, it could be excessively harvested, endangering the plant. That would also substantially affect the religious, ceremonial and cultural practices of Indigenous people across the western hemisphere, including the Navajo Nation, where many people hold a sincere religious belief and a strong connection to the use of peyote for ceremonial and cultural purposes.

The Cactus Conservation Institute is a non-profit organization that has been studying ways to preserve and protect the wild habitat of endangered cactuses, including peyote, in the deserts of the southern U.S. and northern Mexico.

In a 2021 study, the institute concluded up to 261 greenhouses would be needed to meet the demand for peyote for use by the more than 500,000 members of the Native American Churches in the United States.

“One or two, or even 10, greenhouses are clearly inadequate to fulfill the current or future need,” the CCI report said. “The longer the lag time before starting cultivation on a significant scale, the greater the risk of wild extirpations continuing to spread (with possible wild extinction).”

To create a cultivation program for a slow-growing perennial plant with projections of annual harvests in the future, an equal number of plants need to be planted every year until the operation can become sustainable on a rotating harvest basis, stated the report.

For peyote, that cycle may be 12-16 years, or longer if the locale is less favorable. Peyote can be grown more quickly though light feeding and heavy watering, or by grafting, but it would be unsuitable for use as medicine unless enough additional time is spent under more natural conditions of growth. Without that time, the mescaline content will be low, the report explained.

Because of the possibility that peyote could go extinct in less than 50 years, the group Decriminalize Nature believes decriminalizing peyote will be the plant's saving grace. The group recommends several policies that should change:

  • Cultivation of peyote by members of federally recognized tribes and Native American Churches should be immediately decriminalized and removed from federal oversight and regulations, allowing tribes and churches to choose this means of decreasing demand on the limited natural habitats.

  • Decriminalize peyote for personal cultivation for non-Indigenous people  to reduce the demand for the cactuses that are extracted from Indigenous sources and habitats for the peyote trade.

  • Peyote in its natural habitat should be available only for Indigenous communities and poaching should continue to be penalized.

But some members of Azeé Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation say decriminalizing peyote  will negatively affect the plant and have harsh consequences on their religious practice.

“I was raised with the peyote ceremony, which to my family is a very sacred religion and the partaking of this form of medicine is also sacred to us Native people and is used in a very strict and sacred manner,” said NAC member Earl Morris Jr.

"To decriminalize the usage of peyote would result in unintended consequences that will destroy our way of life, Morris said. "Popularizing the usage of peyote to outside Native communities and allowing recreational usage of peyote would result in mass production efforts and attempts to commercialize this holy sacrament.”

Arlyssa Becenti covers Indigenous affairs for The Arizona Republic and azcentral. Send ideas and tips to

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Native religious leaders oppose moves to decriminalize peyote