Santa Rosa and environmentalists agree 500-acre conservation project would be win for Navarre

More than 500 acres in Navarre could soon become protected public land as part of a conservation effort.

Santa Rosa County — in partnership with the Trust for Public Land and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission — is looking to pursue a grant program through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to purchase the land.

Outlined in red are the more than 500 acres of land that Santa Rosa County is looking to conserve.
Outlined in red are the more than 500 acres of land that Santa Rosa County is looking to conserve.

The multitude of acreage is split over three different parcels: two adjacent to East River and Eglin Air Force Base, and one farther south next to Navarre Soccer Park. County documents cite several large-scale benefits to pursuing the project, including the fact that the land offers a natural strategy to mitigate flooding, will preserve a habitat for endangered and threatened animals, and offers recreational and educational opportunities.

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According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the areas are a habitat for animals such as the red-cockaded woodpecker, the reticulated Flatwoods salamander, the eastern indigo snake, and the gopher tortoise.

"Preserving this critical habitat positions the county to be eligible for a land acquisition grant made available through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund grant program, which would fund up to 75% of the total cost of purchasing the land," a county document reads.

The red cockaded woodpecker population has rebounded on Eglin Air Force Base's reservation.
The red cockaded woodpecker population has rebounded on Eglin Air Force Base's reservation.

Within the county, the initiative has been spearheaded by District 4 County Commissioner Dave Piech, who started looking at this project several years ago. In accordance with the grant, the county would pay about 25% of the cost to purchase the land, which Piech said would come just under $1 million. He said the county should know if it receives the grant to purchase the land in about July.

"When you do measures like this — because it will help mitigate flooding, it won't be developed, it won't flood existing neighborhoods, it'll be able to take some water — that helps you in the flood insurance game and the risk game," Piech said. "And there's multiple benefits of this."

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Dara Hartigan, president of local environmental group Save Our Soundside, said when she initially saw the proposal, she was stunned with how much benefit she saw in it.

"This looks like something we would submit. And it is absolutely reiterating everything that we've been saying for three years in front of the commission about the link between clear-cutting and flooding, and water quality and preservation and conservation," Hartigan said. "I mean, it's all in there."

Because Santa Rosa County is FEMA Community Rating System community, a project like this could also lead to flood insurance premium discounts. In theory, the more CRS points a community earns, the greater the likelihood of a reduction in the cost of FEMA insurance program premiums for participating residents.

Hartigan said she is disappointed in how clear-cutting has permanently damaged ecosystems in the area. She said she believes if the county had developed the south end with conservation efforts in mind, then if could have mirrored the scenic communities on State Road 30A in Walton County. Ultimately though, she said, she is happy county officials are recognizing environmental issues.

"It's really satisfying to see it. And it's satisfying to know that somebody up there on the commission was listening and paying attention," Hartigan said.

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On Monday morning, the Board of County Commissioners agreed to commit to its portion of the funding on purchasing the land, should it earn the grant.

Piech said he felt good about the chances the project is chosen for the grant, adding that in conversations up until this point, he has experienced lots of enthusiasm about the effort.

"I think the board, but also the people think it's important. They want to see this land preserved," Piech told the News Journal.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Navarre conservation effort would protect 500 acres, mitigate flooding