Navigating social anxiety in a post-COVID world

For many working adults, office life shifted dramatically when the pandemic ushered us into a world of Zoom meetings and long hours away from our co-workers, working at home. Similarly, holiday gatherings looked very different from what we’re anticipating for this year. Less family and friends interacting in person and more FaceTime and awkward family virtual gatherings were the norm. Now, as the world begins to make its way back to a more “normal” state – that means returning to the office, gatherings, and social interactions. This is a welcome change for many people – but for those individuals who were already feeling anxious or nervous about social interactions prior to the pandemic, as well as those who grew accustomed to virtual engagements, this can bring on a lot of stress and anxiety.

What is Social Anxiety Disorder

It's common to feel anxious or nervous about social interactions, such as going on a date, speaking in public, or presenting in front of a group. Feeling butterflies in your stomach is normal and typically does not lead to avoidance of daily routines or things you enjoy.

However, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), approximately 15 million American adults have a social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is a long-term and overwhelming fear of social situations that usually starts during the teenage years. It can be very distressing and wreaks havoc on the lives of those who suffer from it.

How social anxiety affects your life

For a person with social anxiety disorder, social interaction can be scary and make you feel more self-conscious than other people do in these situations. In more extreme cases, this kind of anxiety can lead to physical symptoms such as blushing, nausea, sweating, trembling or shaking, difficulty speaking, lightheadedness and rapid heart rate.

People with social anxiety can experience intense worry, avoid social situations at all costs, have low self-esteem and often are crippled with fear. Although they recognize their symptoms are excessive and unreasonable, people with social anxiety disorder often feel powerless against their anxiety.

How to improve your life

Social anxiety disorder can be a chronic mental health condition, but learning coping skills can help you gain confidence and improve your ability to interact with others. Here are some tips to help you take control and make everyday tasks not seem so daunting.

Control your breathing: When you feel anxiety come on, it can make your breathing more shallow and your heart rate increase. Try this technique to get control of your breathing. Sit down with your back straight, relax your shoulders, breathe slowly in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for two seconds and then slowly let the breath out through your mouth for six seconds. Keep doing this until you feel relaxed.

Practice relaxation techniques: Yoga and meditation can be very effective in helping you relax. They use breathing exercises, stretches, and concentration to relieve tension, control your breathing, and help you regain control of your body.

Be prepared: If there is a social situation that is coming up that you know will induce anxiety, take the time to plan ahead so you can feel more confident and calm. If you’re going to a neighborhood gathering or birthday party, set some goals for yourself ahead of time such as talking to two people and only staying for an allotted amount of time. It can be helpful to brainstorm some easy conversation topics and practice controlled breathing techniques before you leave.

When to get help

If your social anxiety is causing problems in your everyday life and you are avoiding social interaction or work, it’s important to get help. Talk with your primary care provider about your worries and concerns, as they can often help you get the care and treatment you need for your social anxiety. To find a provider near you visit

Lauren Eastridge is a board-certified family medicine physician assistant with Pardee BlueMD.

Lauren Eastridge
Lauren Eastridge

This article originally appeared on Hendersonville Times-News: Navigating social anxiety in a post-COVID world