NC nurse: There is a limit to my patience with those who won’t get the COVID vaccine

Vaccine hesitancy

The writer is a registered nurse.

For over a year, I have done everything in my power to protect myself and my neighbors from COVID-19. I volunteered in clinical trials and at vaccine clinics. I even wrote a letter to the editor encouraging masks. I’ll continue to do all I can to encourage vaccination.

But the last clinic I worked closed three hours early because no one signed up. Clearly, the vaccine is now available to all in our area who want it. Still, people I love and respect have chosen not to be immunized and I worry about them.

There is a limit to how much longer I will give up my own freedoms and wear those masks. How much moral responsibility and civic duty do we have to protect those who’ve made their own decisions, for whatever reason, not to protect themselves?

Cathy C. Floyd, Concord

Charlotte parks

Regarding “Mecklenburg County manager: We’re investing in older parks and facilities,” (May 3 Opinion):

Concerning the rather sad state of city playgrounds, the first question to be asked is not the cost of needed repairs. Rather, the most important question is why were they allowed to fall into such disrepair?

As a Wilmington resident who still maintains a home in Charlotte, I wonder what the maintenance budget is for these parks and who’s responsible for regular upkeep? Why have repairs not been done in a timely manner to prevent this degraded condition?

Charlotte seems quite eager to spend tax dollars to repair problems that go untended for years. Very poor leadership for a “world-class city” Accountability would be nice to see.,

William Boyd, Wilmington

Sen. Thom Tillis

In a May 1 email from Sen. Thom Tillis to constituents, he bemoans a lack of bipartisanship in President Biden’s first 100 days.

Biden has diligently focused on solving problems the majority of Americans are supportive of: economic recovery, defeating COVID, infrastructure investment, and healthcare.

Tillis and the GOP have focused on voter suppression, disputing the 2020 election, and complaining. They’re out of step with the needs of the majority of Americans. They need to start listening to the majority, regardless of party — and less to their party’s echo chamber.

Our representatives should focus on what the majority are in favor of, not on their personal polling numbers or party’s talking points.

Lee Fluke, Charlotte

Saunders’ point

Regarding “Police and guns,” (May 2 Forum):

This Forum writer seems to have missed the point of Barry Saunders’ April 29 column.

It’s insignificant that the proliferation of guns are a problem in the U.S., or even that Saunders had a gun. The point of the column was that if the driver who cut him off had reported that a couple of good-old-boys had flipped him the bird, the dispatcher probably would have told the driver to go home and forget about it. If a white man in a suit had done it, they’d never have sent one officer.

William C. Barnes, Charlotte

Sen. Tim Scott

Regarding Eugene Robinson “Tim Scott offers a deceptive absolution to GOP’s base,” (May 2 Opinion):

If U.S. Sen. Tim Scott were to remove his Republican-issued Trump-approved party blinders, he would see that the only actual result from the various nationwide GOP voter suppression bills would be that he remains the only African American in the U.S. Senate.

Terry Keith, Charlotte

City skyline

I’ve lived in Charlotte my whole life, 13 years, and I’ve been a Hornets fan for as long as I can remember. This season I’ve noticed that the skyline doesn’t light up Hornets colors anymore.

As a huge Hornets fan, this is something that I have noticed more as the season has progressed.

Through the years I couldn’t go to every game, but I loved seeing the skyline lit up in support of my favorite team.

To some this may be small and unimportant, but as a fan it is a big deal to me.

I love seeing the city lights lit up like the whole city is cheering them on, like me!

Let’s get our unique skyline back and show our team spirit every night the hometown team plays.

Ronin King, Charlotte

Ronin King
Ronin King