Is NC one of the best or worst states in the US for drivers? Here’s what a new study says

From the mountains to the coast, it’s no secret that driving can be difficult in some places and not bad in others. But a new report sheds light on the best and worst places for drivers, and how North Carolina compares.

Wallethub compiled a list of the best and worst states for drivers, based on multiple factors, including traffic and infrastructure and access to vehicles and maintenance.

“What many people don’t realize is that traffic congestion can also be extremely costly because of the amount of time it wastes, which is why the best states for driving tend to be sparsely populated,” Cassandra Happe, a Wallethub analyst, said. “Factors like safety and the quality of roads are key, too.”

Source: WalletHub

Out of all 50 states, North Carolina ranked 6th overall on the list of best states for drivers. Here’s the rest of the Top 10:

Top 10 best states for drivers

  1. Iowa

  2. Georgia

  3. Kansas

  4. Oklahoma

  5. Alabama

  6. North Carolina

  7. Ohio

  8. Tennessee

  9. Texas

  10. North Dakota

Top 10 worst states for drivers

  1. Hawaii

  2. Washington

  3. Delaware

  4. West Virginia

  5. California

  6. Massachusetts

  7. Nevada

  8. Rhode Island

  9. Vermont

  10. Montana

  11. Maryland

North Carolina ranks poorly on traffic

While North Carolina was high on the list of best places to drive, it was ranked lower for other factors, including traffic.

Here’s a look at how North Carolina was ranked on other driving factors:

  • Cost of ownership and maintenance: 6th

  • Traffic and infrastructure: 32nd

  • Safety: 24th

  • Access to vehicles and maintenance: 10th

You can find the full report of the best and worst states to drive in at