NC Wildlife shows bear emerging from vent, warns of dens near homes

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission says to be on the lookout for bear dens this winter.

NC Wildlife shared pictures and a video on Thursday with the warning. One video shows a bear emerging out of a vent attached to the side of a house.

NC Wildlife didn’t say when and where the video was recorded, but it was shared by the agency with the advisory on Thursday for the rest of the winter season.

Researchers say bears can set up dens in piles of brush, hollowed-out trees, or even inside a crawl space or under a home’s deck.

Photo: NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Photo: NC Wildlife Resources Commission

So what do you do if you find a bear way too close to your home? NC Wildlife says you should leave the area and call its helpline at 866-318-2401.

But ultimately, you might have to share some space for a bit.

“We have experienced an uptick in bears denning under houses and decks over the last 10 years, as well as unleashed dogs disturbing bears in dens,” NC Wildlife bear expert Colleen Olfenbuttel said in a report on Friday. “Homeowners can safely coexist with the bears until they leave the den in the spring.”

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Olfenbuttel says bears in a den are only interested in getting winter rest or caring for cubs.

“Denning bears are not interested in engaging with people as long as people leave bear dens alone,” Olfenbuttel said. “Disturbances by humans or their pets may cause the bear to leave permanently and orphan her cubs.”

If you end up finding an orphaned cub, you’re urged to not handle it or feed it -- call the NC Wildlife helpline or contact a local district biologist. You can find your nearest biologist by checking this link.

(WATCH: NC man fights off bear to protect dog)