NDUS chancellor requests 1 month paid leave

Feb. 28—BISMARCK — The head of the North Dakota University System is asking for one month of paid developmental leave from his job this year.

Chancellor Mark Hagerott's request will be heard by the State Board of Higher Education during its virtual meeting on Thursday, Feb. 29.

Hagerott is requesting leave in various blocks over spring, summer and fall of 2024 to prepare to teach a class on artificial intelligence at North Dakota State University and to finish a book on technology in education.

In a letter to the board, Hagerott said the work would be completed as his chancellor duties allow, prior to the 2025 North Dakota legislative session.

He cited SBHE policy that allows the chancellor and NDUS presidents 30 calendar days of developmental leave after five years of service. Hagerott met that five-year threshold in July 2020.

Should Hagerott be unable to attend key meetings or other duties, Chief of Staff Mark Gorenflo would act in his place, the letter said.

Hagerott said preparations to teach the AI class will include background reading, curriculum development and coordinating with NDSU staff with whom he'll be co-teaching.

The second task, completion of a book, will be derived from Hagerott's doctoral dissertation on technological change and educational adaptation.

He said a publisher, the U.S. Naval Institute, asked him to update his dissertation into book form.

Hagerott said benefits from this work would be an AI class that could be offered to students statewide through the Dakota Digital Academy, and the book would bring forward research on how the military adapts to technology.

SBHE Chair Tim Mihalick has approved Hagerott's request; it will be voted on by the full board on Thursday.