Nearly Half Of Women Would Quit Work Over Employer's Position On Abortion: Poll

Almost half of working women would quit their jobs if their employers’ positions on abortion differed from theirs, a new poll found.

The poll, from the women-oriented investment platform Ellevest, found that 44% of American working women said they’d leave their current job if their employer’s views on reproductive rights didn’t line up with their own.

For millennial working women, the largest generational group in the female workforce, that number rose to 56%, Bloomberg reported. Millennials account for about 35% of the total workforce.

More than half of the nearly 2,500 survey respondents said the Supreme Court decision abolishing the constitutional right to abortion increased their concerns about finances for reproductive health care.

Numerous leading companies have since offered to pay employee transportation costs to states where abortion is still legal. Workers and unions also are pressing employers to shoulder the increased costs of obtaining abortions out of state.

A recent analysis by Bloomberg found that women in states where abortion is banned or severely restricted will now have to travel an average of 550 miles to states where abortions are still accessible.

“Women’s financial health is currently the worst it’s been in the last five years,” Ellevest chief data scientist Kate Sullivan noted in a statement Thursday.

She pointed to COVID-19 and inflation as key aspects of women’s growing financial insecurity. But she emphasized that the Supreme Court’s abortion decision now “clouds” women’s economic future.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
