Who needs Mesa Council when you're a Rhodes Scholar?

Dec. 1—Nathaniel Ross won't be sitting on Mesa City Council when new members are sworn next month.

But he might have the better deal as he heads next year as a prestigious Rhodes Scholar with a full-ride scholarship to one of the world's oldest universities.

Ross, an Arizona State University senior who unsuccessfully challenged Vice Mayor Jenn Duff in the August Primary Election, earned a coveted Rhodes Scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford in London.

He is one of only 32 American Rhodes recipients for 2023 and one of only three students from a public university.

He also is the first ASU student awarded an American Rhodes Scholarship in nearly 20 years.

The most recent ASU student to earn the scholarship was music education major Philip Mann in 2001. He is now on the faculty of the University of Maryland-Baltimore County.

"I am incredibly grateful to have been selected," Ross said. "The finalists in my district were all so incredibly kind and impressive in their own right. Being selected among them was an absolute honor. I am beyond excited to be part of the Rhodes community and study at Oxford next year."

Rhodes Scholarships provide all expenses for two or three years of postgraduate study and were created in 1902 by the will of mining magnate Cecil Rhodes and now supported by various philanthropies and benefactors.

At Oxford, Ross will study comparative social policy, after which he will attend law school and specialize in disability law.

His long-term objective is to shape disability policy as an attorney-advisor for a national disability advocacy organization, federal agency, or global non-governmental organization.

"Arizona State University empowers elite scholars who want to have a meaningful social impact," said ASU President Michael M. Crow.

"Nathaniel Ross is a uniquely gifted thinker capable of simultaneously synthesizing ideas across diverse subjects and applying his knowledge to improve the lives of others. As such, Nathaniel embodies our highest aspirations as a national service university."

He's no slouch at ASU either.

A winner of a prestigious Flinn Scholarship, Ross, 21, is graduating next month from Barrett, The Honors College with bachelor's degrees in biology, history, political science, and applied quantitative science next month. In May, he will be awarded a master's of science degree in biology and society.

A fourth generation Mesa resident, Ross acknowledges the role his time at ASU has played in his success.

"I don't believe there is a single Rhodes scholar that accomplished the feat without a community of support," he said, "and I am no exception."

He also is excited about the opportunity the Rhodes Scholarship presents.

"As part of the Rhodes community, I know I can have an even greater impact on the issues I care about. The fraction of Rhodes scholars who are disabled, attend a state school, or are first-generation university students is rather small.

"After my selection, I hope to encourage other people from similar backgrounds to apply for nationally competitive scholarships."

The application process for the Rhodes Scholarship is arduous, and competition is intense, university officials noted.

In his will, Cecil Rhodes stipulated several criteria for the selection of Scholars, most of which are still applied today.

"The first and most obvious criterion is 'scholarly attainment,'" said Kyle Mox, Associate Dean for National Scholarships and ASU representative for the Rhodes Scholarship. "To be competitive, an applicant must have posted near-perfect grades while completing an exceptionally challenging curriculum."

Ross clearly fits the bill, given his multiple degrees and the fact he never had a grade lower than "A," according to ASU.

"But, per Rhodes's stipulations, Rhodes Scholars are not "mere bookworms" — they must also demonstrate devotion to enacting lasting social impact and be committed to making a strong difference for good in the world, Mox said, explaining:

"We often refer to this quality as 'fighting the world's fight.' Rhodes Scholars must show extraordinary leadership potential."

In 2021, Ross was selected as a Udall Scholar for his commitment to environmental and disability activism, and in the spring of 2022, he was selected as national finalist for the Truman Scholarship in recognition of his devotion to public service.

A committed disability rights activist, Ross founded EosFighter Connection, a nationwide support network for youth who suffer from eosinophilic and other disorders. He also is politically active, having interned with progressive lobbying firm Creosote Partners.

Ross said the announcement of his selection came as a shock.

"I honestly was not sure if I heard my name correctly," he said. "Even days later, I don't think I have even begun to process what this means for my future. All I could think about was the years of work that went into this moment.

"Although applications only opened up this summer, the process of becoming a Rhodes Scholar often begins during freshman year or even earlier."

The Rhodes Trust pays all college and university fees, provides a stipend to cover expenses while in residence in Oxford as well as during vacations, and transportation to and from England. The total value of the scholarship averages approximately $75,000 per year.

Now that the process is finished, Ross will begin planning for his journey to England and his studies at Oxford.

"I have never been to the UK, and now I will spend the next two to three years of my life studying at the top university in the world. For the first time in my life, moving to another country is a reality for me. I have realized that this homegrown East Valley boy is going to have to buy his first real winter coat to survive the UK winters."