Needy Cases 2022: FISH sees increase in families needing 'soup to nuts' assistance

The family of four recently came to the United States from Colombia. The parents are employed, and the children are in school, but they do not speak English and are not prepared for the colder temperatures of the East Coast.

They need everything, said Fish Inc. president Lisa Couch.

"They have nothing, absolutely nothing," she said. "We gave them all kinds of food. We signed them up for Christmas gifts. They are going up to the clothing room this week to get winter coats. They are not prepared for this temperature. They come in flip-flops and short-sleeve shirts, so we give them blankets and all that good stuff. We've given them a boost and hopefully at Christmastime, we'll get into some nice household things, like dishes. We are going to try and keep helping them as much as possible so that they feel welcome as they make this their home."

This family is not unique, Couch said. She has seen an increasing uptick in families coming to the Dunellen-based food pantry and clothing distribution organization.

Founded in 1969, Fish Inc. is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that helps the elderly, the homeless and the working poor − those who fall between the cracks of public assistance. It serves residents of Dunellen, Middlesex, Piscataway, South Plainfield, Edison, Highland Park and Green Brook.

Since Hurricane Ida, the pandemic and the recent economic downturn, Couch has seen an increase in need as more families reach out for help.

"A lot of them don't say anything because of their pride, and I don't press because it's not my business," she said. "But those that do share, they tell us because the prices of everything have risen, they just can't make ends meet. It's not going as far as it used to. Also, a lot of families have moved in with family members so where it used to be a family of four, now it's a family of eight. And they just can't feed that many people. So they've come to get some help. The numbers are steadily increasing. Fast."

Founded in 1969, Fish Inc. is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that helps the elderly, the homeless and the working poor.
Founded in 1969, Fish Inc. is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that helps the elderly, the homeless and the working poor.

Once a month, clients receive two bags of frozen meat and three bags of groceries tailored specifically to their needs, such as baby food or items that meet special dietary requirements. Other items, such as pastries, bread and pet food, can be added.

Holiday packages are provided for families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter and include food to prepare a traditional meal with a turkey, chicken or ham. Couch noticed a big increase in the Thanksgiving packages that were distributed this year. The organization almost ran out of turkeys, she said.

"We definitely have increased in the number we've given out," Couch said. "We were down to like maybe the last two or three turkeys and then donations started coming in − people donating their free turkey. So we never went completely out. But we definitely got close. But it's by the grace of God that we get what we get. And we've been able to just keep on going and nobody has had to go without, which is wonderful."

Fish relies entirely on donations to carry out its programs. Support generally comes from area organizations, civic groups, corporations, houses of worship and the community. Non-perishable food donations are always needed, and low-salt, sugar-free and gluten-free items are especially helpful as is coffee, laundry detergent, pet food and cat litter.

"We need food donations of any kind," Couch said. "People always ask me, 'Do you have a list?' No, I don't have a list. If you need it in your house, everybody else needs it in their house. So, if you've run out of dish soap, somebody else needs dish soap. If you've run out of laundry detergent, somebody else needs that. If you don't have lunch meat and stuff for your kids, they need that here too. It really is whatever is needed to run a household. We take pet food, cleaning products, personal care items, sanitary products, baby food – from soup to nuts. Any kind of food, baking items, coffee, tea, hot chocolate for the cold weather. We also have a walk-in refrigerator, so we take perishables as well."

Clothing has been provided to about 5,000 children and 1,500 adults, including blankets, bedding and coats. Couch said the clothing room has seen an increase of about 10% this year. Winter coats are always needed, she added.

Fish Inc. serves residents of Dunellen, Middlesex, Piscataway, South Plainfield, Edison, Highland Park and Green Brook.
Fish Inc. serves residents of Dunellen, Middlesex, Piscataway, South Plainfield, Edison, Highland Park and Green Brook.

"We are always looking for good winter coats that are machine washable," Couch said. "We can't take wool coats because obviously these people can't afford to have anything dry cleaned. Gently used, no rips, tears, stains, broken zippers, buttons. If you wouldn't wear it, then someone else probably wouldn't either."

Fish operates with a crew of volunteers and is always looking for more to come and help, especially in the clothing room, and being bilingual would be an asset as Fish has a large population of Spanish-speaking clients.

"We are grateful for everyone who donates and who volunteers," Couch said. "As an all-volunteer group, we work long hours for free and I'm grateful for all of them. We couldn't do it without them."

The food room is open 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the third Saturday of the month. The clothing room is open from 9 a.m. to noon Monday and Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the third Saturday of the month, except during July and August.

New clients must call 732-356-0081 for screening and appointment, Couch said.

Fish Inc. is located at 456 New Market Road in Piscataway. Clothing donations are appreciated but can only accepted when the clothing room is open. Any items left on the porch will be discarded. Checks may be sent to Fish Inc. – Dunellen Area, P.O. Box 8565, Piscataway, NJ 08855-8006. For more information, visit

How to support the Needy Cases Fund

From Nov. 27 to Dec. 4, the Courier News, Home News Tribune and are focusing on 10 organizations serving Central Jersey as part of the annual Needy Cases Fund.

The Needy Cases Fund is a Central Jersey holiday tradition, stretching back more than seven decades. The community-service project has been sponsored by the Home News Tribune and its predecessor, the Daily Home News, working with the Lions Club of New Brunswick. In 2022, the Courier News will again join the Home News Tribune in sponsoring the charity.

Send donations (checks made out to the Needy Cases Fund or cash) to: Needy Cases Fund, Home News Tribune/Courier News, 92 E. Main St., Suite 202, Somerville, NJ 08876. Please do not make checks out to the Courier News Wish Book program this year. Please indicate with a note whether you want to be acknowledged in a wrap-up story about the program, or whether you wish to remain anonymous.

Donations will be gratefully accepted through the end of December.

For any questions, contact Carolyn Sampson at 908-243-6624 or


Cheryl Makin is an award-winning features and education reporter for, part of the USA Today Network. Contact: or @CherylMakinTo get unlimited access, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

This article originally appeared on FISH sees rise in families needing 'soup to nuts' help