Neenah school district's insurance policy limits out-of-pocket expenses in Jan. 10 ransomware attack

Neenah schools continue to cope with the aftermath of a Jan. 10 ransomware attack.
Neenah schools continue to cope with the aftermath of a Jan. 10 ransomware attack.

Reader question: Did the Neenah school district end up paying ransom to resolve the Jan. 10 attack on its information systems? If so, how much? Does the district have insurance to cover this type of incident? What information was damaged or stolen? Has the culprit been identified?

Answer: A lot is unknown, at least publicly, about the Jan. 10 ransomware attack that disabled the school district's internet, phones, email and other information technology, resulting in a two-day shutdown of schools.

Jim Strick, communications manager for the school district, said a ransom was demanded by the hackers, but he declined to disclose what the amount was or whether any or all of it was paid by the school district's insurance company, Aegis LLC.

"The attorneys have been pretty clear," Strick said. "They don't want to get into whether we paid or not, kind of out of threats of future attacks."

One thing is clear. The school district itself didn't pay any ransom. Its out-of-pocket expenses were a $5,000 insurance deductible and overtime costs for two hourly employees who worked to restore functionality.

The district also hired Camera Corner Connecting Point of Green Bay to assist with the recovery. "They helped get a lot of the students' iPads and Chromebooks back up and restored," Strick said. "We do have a bill from them, but we're pretty confident insurance will pay for that."

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The school district restored its most critical systems in time to reopen schools on Jan. 13, but other aspects, liked the school district's COVID-19 Dashboard, still aren't functional, and there's no timeline for full restoration.

School officials continue to investigate what information was accessed during the attack.

"At this point, we have found no evidence of any student or family information being compromised," Strick said.

The school district reported the attack to the FBI and provided information to assist its investigation.

At the direction of Aegis, Neenah has been working with the law firm FisherBroyles, which deals with ransomware attacks on school districts.

Strick said FisherBroyles recognized the work of the hackers, describing them as "a known international group."

"When they saw what had happened to us, they knew who it was," Strick said.

The insurance policy that's capping the school district's costs from the attack was set up by Andrew Thorson, deputy district administrator for business services, not long before he died in 2020.

"He and Matt Anderson, our tech director, noticed that could be a vulnerability, and thank goodness they did," Strick said. "It saved us a lot of money."

Post-Crescent reporter Duke Behnke answers your questions about local government. Send questions to or call him at 920-993-7176.

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This article originally appeared on Appleton Post-Crescent: Insurance policy for Neenah schools limits costs in ransomware attack