Feb. 4—"I've been with Habitat for Humanity for 12 years and I really believe in the partnership our Habitat affiliate forms with homeowners when we build for them. We have 26 homes in this neighborhood and I felt they deserve to have a sign they can be proud of when entering their neighborhood.

— Chris Carpenter

LAURINBURG —Habitat for Humanity honored the Providence Place neighborhood this week, which it has helped create, by giving it a new sign for its entryway.

"I've been with Habitat for Humanity for 12 years and I really believe in the partnership our Habitat affiliate forms with homeowners when we build for them," said Chris Carpenter, executive director. "We have 26 homes in this neighborhood and I felt they deserve to have a sign they can be proud of when entering their neighborhood.

"I presented the idea to our Board of Directors and they unanimously approved the project," continued Carpenter "It's a way for us to show they are still important to us."

The Providence Place neighborhood was built between 1997 and 2012.

"There were hundreds of people who made this happen over that period of time. This included the homeowners, volunteers, board members, employees, businesses, churches, community groups and many more," said Carpenter.

"We have started our 50th house build on Sugar Road here in Laurinburg," continued Carpenter. "We also have three more roof projects we have to complete that are associated with Hurricane Florence. We will have completed just under 190 projects over the past two years since the Hurricane.

Carpenter also stated, they designed the sign in the Habitat office.

"We came up with the idea we were looking for," said Carpenter. "Then R.L. Locklear added his touches to it.

"He is our primary contractor we work with and he built the base for the sign," added Carpenter. "We then sent our initial design to TRG Sign Company in Hamlet and they worked with us to finalize the sign."

Carpenter believes it is important everyone knows that this community is important to the city of Laurinburg and to the county.

"The properties in this community easily hold over $1 million in tax value and the homeowners pay taxes each year," said Carpenter.

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