Neighbors say foxes are taking over their DeKalb County neighborhood

Homeowners are concerned after spotting several foxes just steps away from their homes.

“I have foxes that live right back there, in this wooded area, behind my house,” said neighbor.

The Dekalb County woman, did not want to be identified, but wanted to talk to Channel 2 about the problem right behind her Conley home.

“One day I came out in my backyard, and I saw a squirrel skeleton. The tail had been chewed off and it was laying over there, and lately I’ve been seeing foxes,” said the neighbor.

She emailed Channel 2′s Larry Spruill a cellphone video that she recorded Wednesday. The video showed a fox walking right up to her backyard fence and then running away. Another video showed another fox, peeing from the woods in her backyard and walking up to her fence. She said they appear early in the morning.

“I’ve seen two large ones and like four little ones. So they’re out. I’m out in the mornings, I come out, I can see them just back there, on those boulders. But the bigger ones come close, they come closer to my yard,” said the neighbor.

She said she is scared to even come outside.


“I have to get in my car to go to the mailbox. I don’t walk to my mailbox anymore.”

That is because she also saw footprints under her front porch.

“I have a little puppy. I used to bring him out and play, but now we stay in the house.”

She said she does not know what to do.

“I called the Wildlife organization and I was told that, they would refer me to trappers, and I called the trapper and he said they would charge like $600, I can’t afford $600 to trap foxes,” she said.