Neighbors stunned at double murder-suicide, husband kills wife, another man, then himself in Carmichael

Some neighbors are in disbelief and question investigators who deemed a triple shooting in the Oakwood HOA in Carmichael a double murder-suicide. They are stunned. "It's kind of hard to believe. He didn't seem to be despondent or anything like that," said Ken Markum. "He seemed like a happy-go-lucky guy; he loved his dogs." Markum lives in the townhome across the street and said the husband was the first to welcome him to the neighborhood. He was confused as to why Sacramento County Sheriff's deputies taped off the area Saturday. The complex is a block west of Manzanita Avenue on Shadow Creek Drive. "We are able to determine it was a double murder-suicide, looks like the husband came in and killed the wife," said Sgt. Amar Gandhi. "There is another adult deceased male that was in there."