Neighbors Say Teresa Klein, Who Called Cops On Black Boy In NYC Store, Is A Racist Who Terrorized The Building

Calling 911
Calling 911

A white woman who called the police on a black child has been accused of being a “racist” by her neighbors.

Teresa Klein, who’s been dubbed “Cornerstone Caroline” on social media, called the cops on a 9-year-old black boy who she claimed had groped her buttocks while exiting a New York City bodega on Wednesday. But according to the Daily Mail, Klein has now been forced to apologize after security footage from the store proved that the boy never even touched her.

Klein left the young child and his little sister in tears after picking up an intense fight with their mother, before calling 911 and claiming she “was just sexually assaulted by a child.” The whole incident was recorded and posted on social media, and the video has since gone viral and caused major outrage among internet users. During her call, Klein can also be heard revealing her home address and her personal phone number.

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